Wednesday, November 30, 2016

32 Weeks!!!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

So we actually made it to 32 weeks!!! HOLY COW! We feel so blessed and thankful that we were able to make it this far- not every triplet mom does! I don't know how, but we did it babies!

Here is what I look like right now... huge! (It was also REALLY windy so my hair was going all over the place haha):

I'm so thankful that I am not in pain and I'm only uncomfortable for short periods of time but usually am able to get comfortable. I can't stand or walk for very long periods. Going to the doctor's office is usually very tiresome... it's a workout just standing at the check-in counter and paying for bills haha. OH well- I'm just excited that you're still growin' in there! :)


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