Monday, November 7, 2016


Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today my doctor came and said that since the FFN came back negative, I wasn't having active contractions, and all my vitals/ blood tests/ other tests are all good, I could go home if I wanted. He left the decision up to me.

One of the doctors had to check my cervix to make sure it was the same as when I came in last Thursday in order to discharge me. They found that it was stable and the same, so the decision was up to me!

At first, I didn't know what to do. It was stressing me out that I would make the wrong decision. If I decided to go home and something happened... it would be my fault. If I stayed in the hospital and nothing happened, then I would've regretted not being at home where it was more comfortable and enjoyable.

After about 10 minutes of thinking about it, Dad and I decided that I should go home. Once we made this decision, I wavered a couple of times, but in the end I felt good about it. The nurses told me what to look out for and to give them a call if anything happened.

So... after 4 nights in the hospital, I was able to break out!!! Woo hoo! I could be home with Dad, Scout, and Ba-ba and Ji-Ji... and my big comfortable bed!

I hope all goes well... I pray to know when to go into the hospital, if anything were to happen.

Mom and Dad

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