Friday, March 21, 2014

...And So It Begins...

Dear (future) Bundle of Joy,

***This is my FIRST blogpost!***

This is my sad attempt at starting a blog. I have tried to keep one up a couple times before but had a hard time of being consistent-time would pass- and eventually it would fade away from my things "to do". I felt that I never had time and I would be writing about the same things over and over: school, work, dates with your dad, etc. I also would like to tell you that I am not a great creative writer. So, this blog will be more so "letters to you" and a record of our "story"... our "trying to conceive" story... and hopefully beyond that :). Although not a widely interesting topic to whomever might read this- maybe only you- it will serve as an outlet for me to get my feelings onto paper as best as I can and can reflect on past emotions, experiences, triumphs, pitfalls, and everything else in between.

I regret not documenting the many fun memories, trips, and adventures that your dad and I have had over the last 5 years. I guess you'll just have to trust us that those fun stories/ adventures we had together as a young, married couple are true ;)

This last week was our 5TH wedding anniversary!!! Crazy how time flys when you're having fun (see previous blog posts about all the adventures your dad and I have had---oh wait, I didn't write it down...;)) 

Since we have been married we've:
-honeymooned in Sedona (ask us about the "red rocks"/ pink jeep tour guide story/ "patience")
-gone on a cruise to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo
-Went to Vegas a couple times (Mon Ami Gabi! Magic Shows!)
-California/ Utah trips
-Hawaii!!! WE WILL BE BACK!
-We have bought and sold several cars/ trucks
-We have bought and sold a house (which paid for his flight school!)
-We are currently in the process of buying another house
-We got our first dog, Scout--- and I have fallen in LOVE with her
-grown closer to each other and God
-increased our testimony and realized that it truly is the way we want to live our life
-tried to be as responsible as a newlywed/ young couple could be
-I graduated from ASU with a dual major in elementary education and special education
-I started my first "real" job as a special education teacher working with k-1 kiddos :) 
-I worked as that special education teacher for 3 years... and I rocked it hehe
-Dad has worked many jobs in the last 5 years, but I'm sure he has told you about the "dead bodies" job, if not then PLEASE REMIND HIM haha.
-Dad was a natural at working hard and managing/ recruiting people
-Dad turned down a 6 figure salary when he was 25 to instead start his passion of becoming a pilot
-Dad is finishing up his bachelors degree and flight school right now--- I am so proud of him!
-moved 7 times (remember, we've only been married 5 years- WE ARE CRAZY!)
-loved every minute together, even if it was just a simple night out to dinner- just the two of us. 

I feel that we have done a lot in the last five years of being married. Some more important than others. However, there is one thing for which we would trade all those previous "accomplishments" and "events"...
One thing that has yet to grace our list is.... you :(

Our 5 year wedding anniversary has come and passed, which coincidentally is our 2 year anniversary of hoping that our Bundle of Joy would have come into our life (3 years of trying). This blog is for you to know how much we want you, what we are doing to get you here into our eternal family, and the emotional roller coaster that outlines it all. We truly cannot wait until you are with us. This blog also serves as an outlet where I can post my ups, my downs, my thoughts; it is sort of a way to organize my thoughts, get it out on "paper", and not have these emotions cooped up inside. Who knows if I will share this blog with others that are close to me... but I know that YOU will read it... someday. 

That being said, we cannot wait until we can finally walk into a restaurant and say, "Cutright, party of Three". :)

Your Parents

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