Tuesday, November 29, 2016

32 Weeks- OB ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to get an ultrasound at Dr. Moore's office. At the ultrasound, the tech was looking for your heart rates, major organs (stomach, kidneys, etc), fluid levels, and "practice breathing". Baby B was a champ and showed his practice breathing right away. Good job Baby B! Baby A and B, you had to be nudged, prodded, and even buzzed with a little buzzer to show your practice breathing. But eventually, everyone passed the test and all looks well! Yay!

Because there is literally no room in my belly, it is hard to get pictures of you guys... that's good we were able to get so many of you guys when you were smaller. Baby C was the only one we were able to catch.

We love you!

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