Wednesday, November 23, 2016

31 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to see all your weights and make sure that you were all growing appropriately. Ba-ba was able to come with me to the appointment. We were only able to get pictures of Baby C (again) haha. The other two were too squished! It's getting cramped in there!

Everyone was doing well. They watched Baby B a little more closely because you weren't moving as much as the tech thought you should be. But, she talked to the doctor and he didn't see anything that was wrong and was happy with all your weights and the fact that you've made it to at least 31 weeks! Woo-hoo! We are so excited that you guys are doing so well!

Baby A- 3lbs 9oz
Baby B- 3lbs 5oz
Baby C- 3lbs 14oz


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