Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blessed Easter!

Dear Bundle of Joy,

Today is Easter! This past week, Dad actually got home early enough for us to go to the Mesa Temple Easter Pageant! This is a fun Easter tradition that we try to go to every year. While at the pageant, I had several thoughts and feelings that made me think of this trial and process that we are going though trying to get you here. I also had the great timing of being at 3 Nephi in my scripture reading this weekend. I was able to read about the signs of Christs birth, death, and visitation of the Americas!  I found one REALLY interesting insight...

  • 3 Nephi 8: 20-23: When reading about the darkness that covered the land when Christ was crucified, I found something very interesting. Usually, in scripture, we are given the visualization that Light ALWAYS dispels darkness: Christ's light can always dispel the darkness of sin/satan/ etc. However, in these verses, no light, fire, candles, or torches could be lit. I can only think that this was because Christ was dead. Once the 3 days was over (once Christ was resurrected), they were able to have light. Without Christ, there is no light. We would be stuck in darkness or sin. WITH CHRIST (THE light), he can dispel our burdens, our grief, our pain, our sins. 
  • Christ suffered so that we don't have to suffer alone. He knows exactly what we are going through. He has complete EMPATHY for us. A quote that I love comes from David A. Bednar where he said, "You and I in a moment of weakness may cry out, "No one understands. No one knows". No human being perhaps knows, but the Son of God perfectly knows and understands. For he felt and bore the burdens before we ever did". He knows our struggles.
  • I would rather not go through this trial and heartache labeled "Infertility", but I realize that it helps me grow and rely on God and Christ. Although Christ is perfect, He also understands not wanting to go through hard things. It says in Luke 22:42 "Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." I take this as Christ asking God if there was ANY other way, then he wanted to know. But since there was no other way, Christ released his will and wholly submitted to the Father's. Let me just say, I am not saying that what I am going through is ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY close to what Christ did... but what I AM SAYING is that Christ knows what it feels like to not like what we are going through. He, once again, set the PERFECT example of how we should act when things don't go the way we *think* they should have. 
  • Christ showed us that it is God's will, timing, and plan- not ours. But, ultimately, His plan is better than anything I could plan, dream, expect- I know this! 
  • I know that Christ lives. He is there to carry our sorrows since he has true empathy. He knows how to succor us because he knows us individually. He lives today and can help us now- No matter what we are going through.
  • I know that because of Him, many things are possible. Because of him, we too can live again. Because of Him, we can be forgiven of our shortcomings and sins. Because of Him, we can be comforted in our trials and struggles. Because of Him, we will be able to have children eventually. Because of Him, we can have peace and joy in this life

Your Parents

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