Sunday, April 5, 2015

Still Waiting For You...

Dear Bundle of Joy,

Don't worry- We are still waiting and thinking of you... Like all my past attempts at keeping a journal, I have let time go. It has been 11 months since my last post.

Last April 2014, we were blessed to move into a home that we were able to purchase. It is a cozy home, but large enough for Jordan, me, and Scout. Jordan started flying for a Skydive Arizona to earn flight hours to eventually get to the Majors. During the Winter and Spring 2014/15, your dad has been working about 12 hour days, with only a day or two off every 14-20 days! Needless to say, he is working hard. I love him for that. He is enjoying his work though, which makes it a little easier I guess.

I have been loving the extra time of relaxation I have had this past school year since I am subbing for the district instead of teaching. I get home around 3 or 4 pm now with no thought of lesson plans, countless hours of Individual Education Plans to write, other Special Education paperwork, activities to prepare, or behaviors to manage. It is glorious. However, I do miss the 1:1 long-term relationships with the students that come with having my own classroom.

It seems that we keep running into hurdles trying to get you here. In previous posts, I have mentioned us taking some action with my gynecologist, all the testing and blood work we have done, and the countless hours we have fasted, prayed, and hoped for you. These past 10 months have also proved to bring up a couple more hurdles. Since my iron levels weren't up to par, I had to get an iron prescription. It wasn't anything major, but my RE wasn't going to do the IUI if everything wasn't almost perfect- which I respected. It took WAYYY longer that we anticipated. Almost 4 months. That's 4 attempts that we missed. :( I hate looking at time as "missed attempts"... oh well. Plus, add another month onto that because my doctor's office didn't call me to report my lab results (even though I had the lab RE-send my results to my doctor's office 2 times!), which resulted in me calling almost every other day for about 2 weeks before I could get anyone to call me back... grrr. Once I found out that my iron was up to par, we thought we were ready for our IUI. However, the next month, my cycle began and it didn't stop for a month! It was terrible. Because of this, I had to quickly get onto birth control... talk about COUNTERPRODUCTIVE! Doesn't the saying go, "When it rains, it pours"? Ugh. Another month wasted. I have been on birth control for the last 3 months. This month things seem to be "normal" (...what is that anyway?!), so *knock on wood* that it stays this way!

With all of that going on this last school-year, Jordan and I have tossed around the idea of fostering kids. Maybe just foster to help at first, but if one comes along that we feel fits into our family and we feel that we are supposed to raise him or her- then we'll adopt. Who knows, maybe you are already born and are waiting for us to find you...

I can't help but feel that all these situations that were slowing down our progress with completing a procedure could have been the time set for us to be able to contemplate our other options (fostering). Or, it also could be the hurdles that try our faith before our blessing (you) comes. I don't really know which it is yet... I guess I still need to pray, fast, and go to the temple to receive more on these thoughts...

Whether you come to us via foster, adopting, or fertility procedures- we are still waiting for you.

Mom and Dad (and scout haha)

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