Wednesday, April 29, 2015

10 Things I LOVE about MY LIFE right NOW: 9/10 Food

Dear Bundle of Joy,

I know that I can be happy now, and it would be sad and selfish if I lived with the attitude of "when I have kids I'll be happy", or "when ____ happens, then I'll be happy". (Plus, don't we all know that there's hard things at every stage in life??? I thought I wanted to be done with college and be a real adult... until I realized all the responsibility it held! haha) 

So, here's to things that I love about my life RIGHT NOW!

NUMBER 9: Chocolate Milk 

..............Yeaaaaah, I know this is trivial. Yes, I know that I am 26 years old and shouldn't be eating this stuff. BUT, aren't we asked to find the good in everything? Well, this simple treat is something that I love. (Too bad I don't find this much enjoyment as I do with carrots, or celery. Hmph.) Anyway, I could always have a cold glass of good old chocolate milk. :)

NUMBER 9A: Macaroni and Cheese
Need I say more??? Who doesn't love a bowl of this processed, yummy, goodness. Hey, we add real butter and cheese, so that's healthy, right? Haha. 

P.S.- I'm sure that we will enjoy both of these when you get here, promise!


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