Sunday, April 26, 2015

10 Things I LOVE about MY LIFE right NOW: 3/10 Scouter Girl

Dear Bundle of Joy,

I know that I can be happy now, and it would be sad and selfish if I lived with the attitude of "when I have kids I'll be happy", or "when ____ happens, then I'll be happy". (Plus, don't we all know that there's hard things at every stage in life??? I thought I wanted to be done with college and be a real adult... until I realized all the responsibility it held! haha) 

So, here's to things that I love about my life RIGHT NOW!

NUMBER 3: Scout

I was NEVER a dog person. I thought they looked cute in pictures, but never really enjoyed petting them in real life. Jordan grew up with a couple dogs and always wanted a bigger dog. I started to warm up to the idea once I realized that his career would have him gone sporadically. I liked the idea of having another protection for my safety and a companion while he was away. I started to get obsessed with looking at Belgian Malinois pictures on the internet.... and then we eventually found our Scout!

Even though she isn't technically a therapy dog, she definitely has become mine. She is so intuitive and can tell if I am not having my best day. She'll try to get me to play, cuddle with me, or even let me just hold and pet her (she totally hates it, but sometimes lets me so I can be happy!). She is always loving, excited to see me when I come home, etc. I really have grown attached--- I never thought I'd be a dog person, but I am. 

So, here's Scout in all her glory. :)

AKA: Scouty, Scouty Girl, Cutie-Cutie, Scouter Pup, Cutie Girl, Thin Mints (as Ji-Ji calls her sometimes). 
About 12 weeks old... LOOK at those ears!

Getting used to her new home...

Her first Christmas (we tortured her... hehe)

Her first camping trip. She LOVED exploring on her own.

Resting after going crazy at the park in our neighborhood.


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