Sunday, April 26, 2015

10 Things I LOVE about MY LIFE right NOW: 4/10 Careers/ Education

Dear Bundle of Joy,

I know that I can be happy now, and it would be sad and selfish if I lived with the attitude of "when I have kids I'll be happy", or "when ____ happens, then I'll be happy". (Plus, don't we all know that there's hard things at every stage in life??? I thought I wanted to be done with college and be a real adult... until I realized all the responsibility it held! haha) 

So, here's to things that I love about my life RIGHT NOW!

NUMBER 4: Careers/ Education

I'll start with my story: So, I had the privilege to be able to receive a scholarship from Arizona State University upon graduating from high school. It was worth $26,000, so I was fortunate to get a couple hundred to a thousand dollars back after every year after tuition, books, materials, etc were paid. It was a HUGE blessing to not have to worry about paying for college and just focus on completing college. 

At first, I was toying around with the idea of going to school for a degree in Architecture. I loved seeing your Ba-ba and Gi-gi create, design, and build homes for us growing up. However, after some thought, I knew I wasn't passionate about it. I then decided to go to school for Photography... after ONE semester, I knew it wasn't for me. The stereotypical "art" student in movies is totally NOT fictional. I swear I could find at least one person in each class that: had dread locks, was wearing a Bob Marley t-shirt, was wearing a beret, and/or was probably into drugs or, at least, Hookah. I could only take so much with interpreting how lines and colors show feelings; during every art critique that I had, I was totally faking every minute of it. Don't get me wrong, I loved creating art but I HATED having to explain it so figuratively. Sometimes I drew something because I liked it, not because I had some abstract symbolism behind it...sheesh. 

So, during my winter break, I did some serious contemplating. I prayed and fasted for ideas: it came down to nursing and teaching. Money-wise, I was leaning more toward nursing (and think I would still be interested in it somewhat today), but I couldn't get away from the idea of me becoming a teacher. As I prayed to know if this is the right choice, I couldn't deny the power and emotion that overcame me during my prayer. It was an answer that I couldn't deny. I could barely finish my prayer. I KNEW that this was the right choice. I knew there was something I had to do or someone I had to help during this journey. This led me to think that you, my future child, might have special needs of some kind and this was a blessing to get in some "training" or something. Who knows, I guess it could still be true. However, in the past 4 years of teaching, whatever the reason was that lead me to this path, I know that I have learned SOO much with handling children and their difficult behaviors, teaching them in creative ways, speaking with parents, leading meetings, managing multiple tasks and being mindful of their due dates, etc. I know that I can handle a full-time career... and I know that I can be GREAT at it. I love my kiddos that I've had and each one has taught me patience as well as something so invaluable and unique in their own way. 

This career choice has also given me the great opportunity to interact and work with children, even though I don't have you here yet. If I would have chosen another path, I would most likely be working with adults and have little to no interaction with children throughout my days. 

It was a tough choice to quit and take a less stressful position, but it was worth it to have more time for church callings, family, and having less stress overall in my life. :)

Now, for Jordan. AKA: Dad: A couple of years ago, Jordan was working as a regional manager for a health care staffing company. They weren't compensating him enough for the time he was putting in and so this lead to him thinking of other career options that could better support a family. On our drive home from California, he mentions that he wanted to be an airline pilot when he was younger. After talking about this thought and option the whole way home, we were excited and nervous about this huge change that might be taking place in our lives. After researching, we found out that the flight school in our area would cost around $65,000 for only about 4 months of training + his private pilot's license. HOLY COW! He could go to a university that offered a bachelors degree plus a commercial pilot's license but it be even more expensive and we'd have to move. (At this point, Jordan still has about 1.5 years of his bachelor's degree left since he took a break while working at the health care staffing company). After thinking about the amount of debt and loans we'd get ourselves into... we were thinking of selling our house. In the end, that's exactly what we did. I didn't really want to move- I loved our ward and I loved our house (and we got it for a smokin' deal!). Buuuut, I'd rather sell my house than get into a TON of debt where, as a school teacher, we obviously we couldn't afford that! We were so BLESSED to be able to sell in within about 3 months and receive the funds to cover Jordan's school. I don't know why it's "worked out" for us, but it has. I just know that we aren't "lucky"--- but God is blessing us in ways that is setting us up for our future and I am ever so thankful for that. 

So, we were able to send Jordan to school. :) He was gone everyday for like 8-10 hours each day for around 5 months. Even though it was the most stressful thing he's ever done, he said that its the first time that he has actually enjoyed studying and learning in his life (other than studying the scriptures/ doctrine). I was happy to hear this. All I want is for him career-wise is for him to gain an education, love what he does, and for him to be able to support our family. And I know that he wants the same as well. We think that this path he has taken will be able to fulfill all those expectations eventually in our life. 
My first time flying with Jordan

Jordan flew us to Laughlin, NV for his first independent flight! We ate at a yummy place on Lake Havasu and stayed the night... it was a fun little get-away! :)


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