Thursday, April 23, 2015

10 Things I LOVE about MY LIFE Right NOW: 1/10 God/ Christ/ Gospel

Dear Bundle of Joy,

Over the next 10 posts, I will be doing a "10 Things I LOVE about MY LIFE right NOW" (In no particular order). There are obviously days where I feel down, like I'm not making an impact on others' (like children) around me, and to be completely honest, left behind from "where I should be". However, the last couple months I haven't had a day like this and have been very happy. -Yay me!- I've noticed how much I have to be thankful for. I really have an awesome life; I love it.

There was a quote I found from President Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that I really enjoyed. His talk was mostly about how we as mortals fail but we must pick ourselves up and keep going. Not totally relevant, but I did like one of the last paragraphs he said:

"We acknowledge that your path will at times be difficult. But I give you this promise in the name of the Lord: rise up and follow in the footsteps of our Redeemer and Savior, and one day you will look back and be filled with eternal gratitude that you chose to trust the Atonement and its power to lift you up and give you strength."

I know that without Christ's atonement, that I would be in a very rough spot right now. I know that it is through His help and love that I have been able to have WAY more good days than sad. I'm happy to know that I chose and continually choose to trust in Him everyday and not let this trial/experience/"setback" take over my life and ruin a good thing. It is only by this trust and faith in Him that I can find many things to be joyful about, even when one of the most important things I've wanted in my life is not yet here, you. 

I know that I can be happy now, and it would be sad and selfish if I lived with the attitude of "when I have kids I'll be happy", or "when ____ happens, then I'll be happy". (Plus, don't we all know that there's hard things at every stage in life??? I thought I wanted to be done with college and be a real adult... until I realized all the responsibility it held! haha) 

So, here's to things that I love about my life RIGHT NOW!

NUMBER 1: Scriptures, the Gospel, and (of Course) God and Jesus Christ.

Okay, so I basically grouped all of the "Primary Answers" into one category and called it my #1. Well, the basics is what is important. I am so happy and grateful for my time that I have made a priority this year to re-read the Book of Mormon. (Side note: This year (2015) I have made the goal to read the Book of Mormon 3 times!... It's the end of April and I'm on track to be finished next week for the 1st read! Go me!) I have also kept a scripture journal where I can write down thoughts, feelings, insights, etc. It has focused my reading so that I can find nuggets of truth in every chapter. This way, I know that I am not just reading for speed or reading to "check it off" for the day. I really have learned so much in the past couple months during my 1st read, that I'm excited to see what else I can learn from it two more times this year!

By reading this book, I feel the daily comfort, strength, and power it lends me. I am able to receive daily revelation and insights by studying its pages. It is a great source of comfort as I relate gospel principals to my life and try and better myself. It is a source of strength to know that God and Christ are aware of me and He has performed the atonement so that I do not have to suffer alone. Because of the atonement, it is a true source of power to overcome my hardest days. This book is a book from God for our use and helps keep me  thinking "eternally" and that things are in God's timing. 


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