Wednesday, April 29, 2015

10 Things I LOVE about MY LIFE right NOW: 7/10 Own Schedules

Dear Bundle of Joy,

I know that I can be happy now, and it would be sad and selfish if I lived with the attitude of "when I have kids I'll be happy", or "when ____ happens, then I'll be happy". (Plus, don't we all know that there's hard things at every stage in life??? I thought I wanted to be done with college and be a real adult... until I realized all the responsibility it held! haha) 

So, here's to things that I love about my life RIGHT NOW!

NUMBER 7: No Schedules but our own

What does going out to dinner, going to movies, going to the temple, and being lazy around the house all have in common? They all are hard(er) to do when you have kids, I'm sure. Not to say it's not possible, but it does take some planning ahead. So, this thing that I'm happy about in my life right now is... not running on someone else's schedule but our own. Sure your dad and I have different schedules or plans going on, but besides work, it's usually pretty much the same. It's nice not having to schedule babysitters and timed periods where we want to go out. We can come and go anytime we please... 4pm dinner? Sure! 9pm movie (decided at 830pm)? Sure!

So, thats one thing I'm grateful for... need I say more? Haha. However, when you are here, we will take that ANYDAY over having our own time tables. :)


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