Wednesday, November 30, 2016

32 Weeks!!!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

So we actually made it to 32 weeks!!! HOLY COW! We feel so blessed and thankful that we were able to make it this far- not every triplet mom does! I don't know how, but we did it babies!

Here is what I look like right now... huge! (It was also REALLY windy so my hair was going all over the place haha):

I'm so thankful that I am not in pain and I'm only uncomfortable for short periods of time but usually am able to get comfortable. I can't stand or walk for very long periods. Going to the doctor's office is usually very tiresome... it's a workout just standing at the check-in counter and paying for bills haha. OH well- I'm just excited that you're still growin' in there! :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happenings in the Cutright Household...

Dear Bundles of Joy,

There has been a lot going on in the last few weeks to prepare for your guys' arrival. Here are some pictures:

We finally received your car seats and boppys! It's starting to get real!

Dad was able to build your cribs! He got a lot of practice since he had 3 tries haha. 

Dad received his uniform for Envoy Airlines... He flew his first load of passengers Nov. 21-23! The captain said he did a great job (like we knew he could, right?)!

Scout is never too far from me. This was me resting on the bed and Scout snuggled right in and was falling asleep too. Dad was able to catch this haha. 

Dad put this necklace on Scout to deliver to me for my birthday a couple weeks ago. It obviously is a "Three Peas in a Pod" necklace to represent each one of you! I LOVE it! So thoughtful. :)

We are getting ready for your arrival! Its surreal! We love you!

32 Weeks- OB ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to get an ultrasound at Dr. Moore's office. At the ultrasound, the tech was looking for your heart rates, major organs (stomach, kidneys, etc), fluid levels, and "practice breathing". Baby B was a champ and showed his practice breathing right away. Good job Baby B! Baby A and B, you had to be nudged, prodded, and even buzzed with a little buzzer to show your practice breathing. But eventually, everyone passed the test and all looks well! Yay!

Because there is literally no room in my belly, it is hard to get pictures of you guys... that's good we were able to get so many of you guys when you were smaller. Baby C was the only one we were able to catch.

We love you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

31 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to see all your weights and make sure that you were all growing appropriately. Ba-ba was able to come with me to the appointment. We were only able to get pictures of Baby C (again) haha. The other two were too squished! It's getting cramped in there!

Everyone was doing well. They watched Baby B a little more closely because you weren't moving as much as the tech thought you should be. But, she talked to the doctor and he didn't see anything that was wrong and was happy with all your weights and the fact that you've made it to at least 31 weeks! Woo-hoo! We are so excited that you guys are doing so well!

Baby A- 3lbs 9oz
Baby B- 3lbs 5oz
Baby C- 3lbs 14oz


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

31 Weeks- OB

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today Ba-ba came to the appointment with me today. Since I have an MFM appointment tomorrow, we didn't do an ultrasound today.

Dr. Moore was impressed that my FFN came back negative! He was hopeful that we'll make it pretty far! He said that everything looks good and we actually had our c-sections planned! WHAT?! It's scheduled for Wednesday, December 21, 2016! Crazy. I'll be 35 weeks at that point.

We hope for the best!

We love you,

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

30 Weeks- MFM

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Dad was able to come to this appointment. We weren't able to get any pictures today, but it was a quick check on your hearts and also a Fetal Fibronectin was performed*.

(*We got the results back a couple days after this appointment and it came back negative, which means that the chance of me going into labor in the next 2 weeks are super low! YAY!)

When the doctor came in to speak with us, he was again surprised and happy. He said that "all the scary stuff is in our rearview mirror"! This is huge! We hope that you guys can make it to 34-35 weeks! We are hopeful!

Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

29 Weeks- OB Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Dad was able to come to this appointment. The ultrasound tech was impressed and so happy that you guys are still growing! She kept saying how we're all doing such a good job! She checked your hearts and we also saw Baby C practice breathing! It was cool! Your whole body was movin'.

Here are a couple pictures that she was able to get.

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

29 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today I was able to go back and see Dr. Miller. He said I was surprised that I left the hospital and that I keep continuing to surprise him. I told him that I was going to surprise him and make it to our goal of 34 weeks! He sort of chuckled and said he wants me to also.

My ultrasound showed my cervix was the same as before so I was able to go back home, until my appointment next week. We didn't get any pictures of you guys today... we quickly checked your heartrates (all perfect) and made sure your organs looked good.

Dr. Miller kept saying that I'm doing a good job and to keep it up. So... good job babies! Stay in there.

Here's to hoping that all goes well until at least next weeks appointment... I'll be 30 weeks!!! Yay- great milestone! Here's to 34 weeks!

Love you guys,

Monday, November 7, 2016


Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today my doctor came and said that since the FFN came back negative, I wasn't having active contractions, and all my vitals/ blood tests/ other tests are all good, I could go home if I wanted. He left the decision up to me.

One of the doctors had to check my cervix to make sure it was the same as when I came in last Thursday in order to discharge me. They found that it was stable and the same, so the decision was up to me!

At first, I didn't know what to do. It was stressing me out that I would make the wrong decision. If I decided to go home and something happened... it would be my fault. If I stayed in the hospital and nothing happened, then I would've regretted not being at home where it was more comfortable and enjoyable.

After about 10 minutes of thinking about it, Dad and I decided that I should go home. Once we made this decision, I wavered a couple of times, but in the end I felt good about it. The nurses told me what to look out for and to give them a call if anything happened.

So... after 4 nights in the hospital, I was able to break out!!! Woo hoo! I could be home with Dad, Scout, and Ba-ba and Ji-Ji... and my big comfortable bed!

I hope all goes well... I pray to know when to go into the hospital, if anything were to happen.

Mom and Dad

Sunday, November 6, 2016

3rd Day in the Hospital

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was great. Today was the day that DAD WAS COMING BACK INTO TOWN! I was so excited! I was able to just hang out all day and rest. It was nice. One of the nurses also took me for a ride in a wheelchair to see the NICU where you guys will most likely stay for (hopefully) a little while. Each of you will get your own room, so theres that. Ha.

I had another ultrasound to check on your heart rates. You guys are doing very well. Since you guys are so squished in there, we were only able to get one good picture... Baby C. So here it is:

Later in the day I found out that Dad had passed his simulator test! Yay! He is officially a pilot for the airlines! :) I never doubted that he would do it... he's a smart one kids!

Another piece of good news was that the results for the FFN test came back NEGATIVE!!! This means that the possibility that you guys will be arriving in the next 2 weeks are VERY slim/none! YAY! I'll be speaking with Dr. Miller on Monday morning to see what the plan is at this point. I wonder if he'll keep me at the hospital until you guys come, or since this came back negative I wonder if I'll be able to go back home for a little bit... time will tell!

Around 8:30pm Dad arrived at the hospital. I broke down... with happiness. As we hugged, I had tears drop down my face. I was overwhelmed with love and was so happy that he was back after being gone for over a month. It felt good to have him home. I love that man. He is so excited about everything "babies" and cannot wait until you guys get here... he is ecstatic to be a dad... to be your dad!

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Saturday, November 5, 2016

2nd Day in the Hospital

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Well, it was an emotional first night. I actually slept pretty well considering I was woken up every so often by a nurse to check my vitals and stats.

This morning I was given another ultrasound to check babies heart rates. I was told I would be getting an ultrasound every day until the doctor noted otherwise. They are all still healthy and strong.

I had to also have a Q-tip inserted down there to check for infections, just in case we ended up going into labor in the next couple days. Ouch! It hurt a little...

Ba-ba came during the day and brought me some yummy snacks to keep on hand. Ba-ba and Ji-ji came in the evening as well to bring me some yummy food... way better than hospital food haha.

Tonight I didn't have to be hooked up to all the machines I was on the first night! I only had to have the leg compressors on as well as oxygen... I felt so freeeeee!

Stay in there babies!


28 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound Growth Scan/ 1st Day in the Hospital

Dear Bundles of Joy,

This week has been noticeably different. It's the first week that I've had the following:

- I can't sleep at night because I get into a bad habit of taking naps during the day
- It's getting harder to stand or walk around the house
- I've felt like I've been getting sick (nauseated, headaches,etc)
- I feel extremely fatigued all the time
- My neck and shoulders are painful since I can only lay down on my sides

It's been great! However, I'll take all these things since it means that you're in me longer. Hopefully you guys will stay in there another 5-7 weeks!

Today was the 28 week growth scan. The pictures below are pretty sad... nothing really, but I'll include them since its what I have and I want to include all the pictures we receive. The tech was going quickly so she could get all the measurements and organs before I started to feel nauseated since last time I felt sick and almost threw up being on my back for such little time.

You guys were large for gestation!
BABY A- 2lbs 9oz
BABY B- 2lbs 8oz
BABY C- 2lbs 15oz

SOOO--- I have 8lbs of baby in me, plus all your placentas and fluids!!! Holy Moly, no wonder its getting harder to walk around without feeling like I have to hold up my belly! haha.

Today they also checked my cervix. It shortened a lot since last week. It was only at 1cm!!! Before they called in the doctor, I knew that I wasn't going home. :( I knew it was for the best because I'd rather be there than at home paranoid at every little "sign" or "symptom" of going into labor.

I was able to go home, get some of my things, then I had to go straight to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, it was calm. I got into my room pretty quickly.  Once I was in my room, a lot of nurses came filing in one by one. I had my heart rate taken, blood pressure taken, a belly band put on to see if I was contracting, and had an IV inserted. Next, they started giving me an IV for magnesium. This will help with the babies brains development. I had to be on it for 12 hours. From the other triplet moms I heard that this magnesium was awful- it made you feel "flu-ish". However, I was lucky and already felt a little nauseous so I didn't think it made me feel anything... I didn't notice it much at all. It did make it a little harder to focus my vision, but it wasn't blurry or too different from my "normal".  While all this was going on, an ultrasound tech came in to check on the babies and to make sure their heart rates were in the normal range. Finally, it was time for my round of steroid shot. These shots would help with the babies lungs- it'd give them a little boost, so to speak. I would need another shot tomorrow to complete the series. This shot HURT! It was injected into my butt muscle and was thick and burned! But... anything to help with you guys be as healthy as can be! Another lady came in to get some blood for me. They had a couple labs that the doctors wanted done.  Later that night, I was given leg compressors as well as an oxygen mask to wear at night.

Your Ba-ba and Ji-ji were here the whole time. They were great. They could see that I was nervous and scared. I felt like I had failed you guys in some thing that I had no control over. I knew that I couldn't have prevented this, but I felt like I didn't do what I was supposed to do.

Ji-ji offered to give me a blessing. Why didn't I think of that?! Of course, I told him. It was a sweet blessing. It helped me feel comfort and peace. I knew that everything would be how it was supposed to work out. I was still nervous for what would come, but knew it would be the way it was supposed to be.

As the night went on, a nurse was coming in every couple hours to check all my stats and to make sure I was doing well. I actually slept pretty well, considering at home I seemed to be having a hard time sleeping anyway.

It overall was a really emotional afternoon/ evening... Dad was still in Texas for work training, I felt like I failed you guys, the thoughts of you coming now was terrifying, it was all out of my control, I was getting scared about an unscheduled c-section, etc.

Whatever happens, it is nice to know that I am already at the hospital if anything were to start happening. The nurses and doctors will know me and I am already checked in (which will save time instead of possibly doing that in the middle of the night if contractions happened).

Here are some pictures I sent to Dad to show him that I was doing fine and for him not to worry.

Don't come too soon babies.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Scouter Girl

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Scout is such a good dog! She is couped up in the house and is probably going insane, but she still loves us. Here a couple pictures I've taken while dad has been gone for work training.

I had my first "pregnancy brain" experience and lost my keys. I told Scout to help me find them... and she did! Well... sort of... she ran into the front room and I happened to see them on the computer desk. haha.

She would rather be playing, but I'm too tired so she just sleeps...

She will be such a fun friend for you guys to have.
