Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a rainy day. Baba and I ran around getting some last minute supplies we'll need if Audrey ends up coming home tomorrow. It was my first time going to a store since being put on bedrest and having my c-section... it was weird haha!

Today you guys are 10 days old! And it is New Year's Eve! We can't wait until all of you are home and we are in our new routine.

Adeline- You were in an open bassinet! We were totally shocked! They didn't say anything yesterday about doing this. You also ate your WHOLE BOTTLE when I fed you! We didn't have any left to put in your NG tube! I was so proud of you! You are making such great progress. I think you heard that Audrey is coming home and you don't want to be too far behind ;)

Rush- My Rushy boy- You weren't under the phototherapy lights anymore! You are doing so good and fighting so hard to grow. You didn't eat too much from your bottle, but you were awake the longest I have ever seen. Your eyes were wide and looking around and listening to all the other babies in the room cry. Baba was able to hold you while you finished your feed in the feeding tube and you had a big poop by the end of it haha; Dad (once again) would be proud that you are "all boy".

Audrey- You did well in an open bassinet over the night and are still on track to be coming home tomorrow, January 1st! You have a "car seat test" later tonight to make sure your stats stay where they should and you can breathe while being in the car seat for 90 minutes. The doctor says you should easily do well, so we'll see. We are excited to have you home and get adjusted to "real life".


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