Saturday, December 24, 2016

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy, 

Adeline- You were put under the phototherapy lights today. Your levels were a little high so they put you under the lights. They said it wouldn’t be too long before you were taken out though. Because of this, we weren’t able to hold you for longer than your feed time.

Rush- You are still under the phototherapy lights. They said you should be taken out from under these in the next day or two as well. Because of this, we weren’t able to hold you for longer than your feed time.

Audrey- I was able to kangaroo hold you today. I loved it. You seemed to love it too. You snuggled right in and fell right asleep. 

Dad was able to stay longer than we thought before heading out to work. It was Christmas Eve and we were able to spend it with my family. The Algers came into town as well as Kurt, Scott, and Jordyn. It was a fun night. I wish I could've spent the night with you, but it was good to have some extended family time and we knew you were being taken very good care of at the hospital. We can't wait until next Christmas when you'll be here with us at home!

Mom and Dad

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