Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016: C-Section Day!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Well, today was the day!!! I can't believe that we made it to 35 weeks! This was such a huge blessing! As Dad and I went to the hospital, my nerves were all over the place. I wasn’t nervous for the actual surgery but I was nervous for the spinal as well as the recovery process. Things touching my back freaks me out since I’ve had issues with my back in the past.

Here is our last picture before heading to the hospital :)

Pre-op went by really fast and the nurse that I had was super nice and helpful. She helped me feel comfortable and not so nervous.

As I was getting rolled to the operating room, I was wheeled past Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Grandpa Dave. I gave them a wave and nervous smile. Once inside the room, I climbed up onto the table to get my spinal. Dr. Lu was the anesthesiologist and she was a cute little asian lady that was very comforting and encouraging as well. I hunched forward and curved my back in order for them to put the needle in the right place. It was a quick pinch but hurt. I kept thinking "don't move or else they might have to do it again!". That was the most motivating thing... I didn't want to have to go through it a second time if I moved and messed it up. 

In the room there was A LOT of people! Holy Cow! There were 2 doctors that were working on me, a couple nurses for me, and the anesthesiologist. Then each baby had about 4 people working on them. 

Dr. Moore was good to make sure to show me each baby as he pulled them out. It was quick. Adeline, you were taken out first. You started crying immediately and it seemed like a good, strong cry. My eyes started watering... you were MY child! I couldn't believe it! Dr. Lu commented how big you looked! Next, you were pulled out Rush. You also started crying but I could tell you were a little smaller than Adeline.  You were so cute though! Audrey, they took you out, but didn't show you to me before they hauled you off to your other room (They didn't have enough space to have all 3 babies in the OR). 

The nurses then made sure all of you were measured and healthy. Then they showed me you guys while the doctors were cleaning me up and closing me up. It was so cute to see you wrapped up and put in front of me. 

Adeline: 5lbs 2oz
Rush: 3lbs 15oz
Audrey: 4lbs 9oz

When I was wheeled out of the operating room and into the pre-recovery room, I saw Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Dave. I started shaking really bad. They said it was a combination of medications, a cold room, and surgery. It was so annoying and my legs weren't waking up yet. The anesthesiologist checked on my a couple times and seemed a little disappointed when I couldn't wake my legs up. I wasn't worried, but I guess they should've started waking up earlier. 

Dad was running between me, your grandparents, and you guys. He let Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Dave all visit you to see you guys in the NICU. After my legs were starting to wake up, they wheeled me down to the NICU. 

Laying in bed wasn't uncomfortable but I could feel throbbing, not painful. The first time I was able to get up out of bed was around 1030pm (9ish hours after surgery). I felt like my stomach was going to rip open. When I stood up it was like my stomach couldn't stretch as far as it needed to in order to stand straight. The best motivation was everyone telling me that getting up to walk was the best kickstart to feeling better... annnd the fact that getting up meant seeing you guys was the BEST MOTIVATION ever! I just wanted to see you guys!

We went and visited you at 11pm and stayed with you guys until 1am. You’re stats are all good, considering you are still premie. MIRACLES all around!

Adeline- You were put on a nasal cannula to help breathe. You didn’t really need it, but it was set to “room air” setting… you just needed the extra flow directly to your lungs. They predict that you’ll be off of it tomorrow or the next day. Because of the nasal cannula, I wasn’t able to hold you because they wanted to keep you undisturbed for a little while. So, hopefully tomorrow morning I can hold you! You are so beautiful. You have blonde hair- what?! I never would’ve thought.

Rush- I was able to hold you! You are soo cute! You are a tiny little thing. Your dark hair is adorable. You look like a little man with your dark eyebrows. You were crying, but as soon as I held you, you stopped. That melted my heart. You spit up a couple times but the nurses said that it wasn’t concerning and pretty common. When I was talking to you, you tried opening one eye. You were trying so hard! I felt like you knew me already.

Audrey- I was able to hold you too! So adorable. You have blonde hair— nothing I would have imagined! Audrey, you are the calmest one. You aren’t phased by anything. When I held you you had your big eyes open. You were taking in everything! You were so aware of everything going on. You seemed like you had a lot of neck strength already! It was so strong. While holding you, I saw this red dot on your shoulder. At first I thought it was a birth mark or something but then I saw another red drop. It was blood! Your IV had ripped out apparently during the transfer from your isolate to me. You weren’t even phased by it—- so calm.

Later, I went back to the room and pumped for the first time around 2am. Nothing came, but they told me it could take up to 4 days to have anything come in since c-sections make it a little harder for your body to produce since it wasn't "ready".

It was a crazy first day!

We love you guys,
Mom and Dad

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