Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy, 

Today the nurse told me that you guys were moved out of the NICU to the “Step Down” NICU/ nursery. Instead of having your own rooms, you were now in a big room all together! It was easier to see and hold you all in this big room. You guys are still all on IV’s so hopefully you can transition to feeding out of bottles and get off of those. 

Baba and Jiji were able to come visit you today. They were so excited to look at you guys while Dad and I held and fed you guys. They were able to stay for the whole feeding session. We all were so excited to see you guys again. 

Adeline- Dad was able to change his FIRST EVER diaper- yours! It was cute to see him so cautious and not wanting to hurt you. He did so well. :) I was able to feed you and then hold you after. 

Rush- The nurses put you under the phototherapy lights for your billiruben levels being too high. this is common but hopefully you won’t need to be under them for too long. Dad was able to feed you Rush. He was so cute and called you his “little man”. We couldn’t hold you for long since you had to get back under your lights.

Audrey- Dad was able to hold you and feed you. I wanted him to have a chance to feed you since he’ll be gone for a while for work. He is so in love. 

We love you all soon much! We wish we could stay with you all day! We can’t wait until you come home with us. 


Mom and Dad

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