Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a rainy day. Baba and I ran around getting some last minute supplies we'll need if Audrey ends up coming home tomorrow. It was my first time going to a store since being put on bedrest and having my c-section... it was weird haha!

Today you guys are 10 days old! And it is New Year's Eve! We can't wait until all of you are home and we are in our new routine.

Adeline- You were in an open bassinet! We were totally shocked! They didn't say anything yesterday about doing this. You also ate your WHOLE BOTTLE when I fed you! We didn't have any left to put in your NG tube! I was so proud of you! You are making such great progress. I think you heard that Audrey is coming home and you don't want to be too far behind ;)

Rush- My Rushy boy- You weren't under the phototherapy lights anymore! You are doing so good and fighting so hard to grow. You didn't eat too much from your bottle, but you were awake the longest I have ever seen. Your eyes were wide and looking around and listening to all the other babies in the room cry. Baba was able to hold you while you finished your feed in the feeding tube and you had a big poop by the end of it haha; Dad (once again) would be proud that you are "all boy".

Audrey- You did well in an open bassinet over the night and are still on track to be coming home tomorrow, January 1st! You have a "car seat test" later tonight to make sure your stats stay where they should and you can breathe while being in the car seat for 90 minutes. The doctor says you should easily do well, so we'll see. We are excited to have you home and get adjusted to "real life".


Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday, December 30, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Dad came into town late last night! So, today we obviously spent all the time we could with you! We love you so much. Dad kept saying over and over how all he could do while he was away working was think of you guys. He kept saying how cute you guys all are, in your own different way. We are so in love.

Dad was able to feed all 3 of you during the first feeding we stayed for (we stayed for 2 feedings). I loved watching him as he stared into your eyes with such love and excitement. He is so proud of how hard you all are fighting to grow, eat, and come home.

Adeline- I was able to do skin-to-skin with you Adeline. You were knocked out and seemed so comfortable lying there on me. I loved that time with you. I kept waking you up because I was laughing at how "milk drunk" you looked. Your eyes would roll back and you would smirk and raise your eyebrows and make such funny faces! Adeline, you are continuing to suck so much better than before. We can see a huge difference from just a couple days ago. Dad and I also think it is so funny that you play with your bottle with your tongue instead of sucking sometimes. You also open your mouth real wide and shake your head from left to right like a little birdy looking for a worm. It is so funny.

Rush- Rushy boy, you were still under the phototherapy lights. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be out from under them! When dad was burping you, you burped so loud! Dad was proud and I was laughing so hard. You're already being such a "boy".

Audrey- Audrey, I was able to feed you during the 2nd feeding we stayed for. You are a superstar when it comes to eating. BIG NEWS FOR THE DAY is that you are in an open bassinet, Audrey! We were so surprised! The nurse and doctor also said that you could be coming home on January 1st!!! We are so excited, scared, and overwhelmed with this news! :)

Dad has to leave town again tonight and is already talking about how he can't wait to come back to see you guys. He is a great dad already!

Mom and Dad

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Dad was supposed to come into town last night or early this morning but he got put on another flight for work... he was so sad. All he wants to do is be at the hospital with you all day. :( He should be back late tonight or early tomorrow and then we'll spend all day on Friday with you guys- together as a family.

Today, Uncle Scott, Aunt Jordyn, and Uncle Kurt were able to come see you guys today. Adeline and Rush, you were in your isolettes, but I was holding you Audrey since you just finished eating so they were able to see you outside of your isolette. They loved seeing you guys. They can't wait until you come home! :)

Adeline- You ate sooo well today!!! You ate about 33ml from the bottle today! The most you ever have. You only had about 12ml to eat through your feeding tube. We were so proud of you! Your suck seemed really strong today.

Rush- You were under the phototherapy lights again today. Your billiruben levels went up again earlier in the day. Because of the lights, you were so tired so you only ate about 5ml today. Baba was able to feed you for the first time today too.

Audrey- You were super alert and awake. You chugged down all your 40ml from the bottle in like 8 minutes. You immediately fell asleep, but you were a champ.

We are soooo proud of all of you! You guys are working so hard to get these skills down. We love you all so much.

Mom and Dad

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016- 1 WEEK OLD!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

YOU GUYS ARE 1 WEEK OLD! I can't believe it! This past week has gone by so fast! We love you more than words can describe. I wish I could be with you 24/7 and not have to commute to the hospital every day!

Mom and Dad

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today, Baba and Jiji were able to hold you! This was huge and such a surprise since before they didnt let anyone else hold them except for me or Dad. They were soooo excited and so was I. The nurse offered and we accepted! :)

You guys are all doing great.

Adeline- You have a feeding tube since you weren't able to stay awake long enough to finish your bottles. You are having some difficulty with the suck-swallow-breathe pattern of eating, but you'll get it. Right now, you like to rub the nipple of the bottle with your tongue and just play around. ha. It's cute, but we want you to eat first before playing! :)

Rush- You still have a feeding tube but we are trying to have you eat as much as you can from a bottle before putting the rest in the tube. You are doing great though.

Audrey- You seem to be the fastest eater. You don't need a feeding tube since you are doing a great job with eating from a bottle. I think you're just trying to rush home to be "first" with mommy and daddy. We'll see.


Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday, December 26, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

You guys are all still doing about the same... which is good! Your Aunt Tiffany was able to come visit you guys in the NICU today. The nurse actually offered for her to get to hold you guys but I had to day no sin e Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Dave havent had the chance to hold you yet. We were so caught off guard with this question sin e they have been so adamant with only having me or Daf hold you to get used to us and not introduce any new rhibgs to "feeding time". But, she was so proud of you guys- doing so well even when you guys are so little! She was in love!


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy,

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! YOUR FIRST CHRISTMAS! I can't wait until next Christmas. You are all doing well. You're all off of phototherapy lights, upping your feeds, and doing very well. We love you so much!


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy, 

Adeline- You were put under the phototherapy lights today. Your levels were a little high so they put you under the lights. They said it wouldn’t be too long before you were taken out though. Because of this, we weren’t able to hold you for longer than your feed time.

Rush- You are still under the phototherapy lights. They said you should be taken out from under these in the next day or two as well. Because of this, we weren’t able to hold you for longer than your feed time.

Audrey- I was able to kangaroo hold you today. I loved it. You seemed to love it too. You snuggled right in and fell right asleep. 

Dad was able to stay longer than we thought before heading out to work. It was Christmas Eve and we were able to spend it with my family. The Algers came into town as well as Kurt, Scott, and Jordyn. It was a fun night. I wish I could've spent the night with you, but it was good to have some extended family time and we knew you were being taken very good care of at the hospital. We can't wait until next Christmas when you'll be here with us at home!

Mom and Dad

Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy, 

Today the nurse told me that you guys were moved out of the NICU to the “Step Down” NICU/ nursery. Instead of having your own rooms, you were now in a big room all together! It was easier to see and hold you all in this big room. You guys are still all on IV’s so hopefully you can transition to feeding out of bottles and get off of those. 

Baba and Jiji were able to come visit you today. They were so excited to look at you guys while Dad and I held and fed you guys. They were able to stay for the whole feeding session. We all were so excited to see you guys again. 

Adeline- Dad was able to change his FIRST EVER diaper- yours! It was cute to see him so cautious and not wanting to hurt you. He did so well. :) I was able to feed you and then hold you after. 

Rush- The nurses put you under the phototherapy lights for your billiruben levels being too high. this is common but hopefully you won’t need to be under them for too long. Dad was able to feed you Rush. He was so cute and called you his “little man”. We couldn’t hold you for long since you had to get back under your lights.

Audrey- Dad was able to hold you and feed you. I wanted him to have a chance to feed you since he’ll be gone for a while for work. He is so in love. 

We love you all soon much! We wish we could stay with you all day! We can’t wait until you come home with us. 


Mom and Dad

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Dear Bundles of Joy, 

Today I woke up around 530 for vitals. I was able to walk around the hallway and pump. I’m not getting anything yet. It was painful getting up this morning but it was wayyyy better than yesterday and last night. Walking was manageable but I had to consciously relax my stomach and focus on using my side/ back/ leg muscles. I visited you guys in the NICU. 

Audrey- Dad held you for the first time. I fed you with a bottle for the first time. 

Adeline- You were taken off of the nasal cannula— good job Adeline! 

Rush- You were just so cute to look at!

You guys were all on room air now. This is huge! A lot of other triplets were on some sort of oxygen for a while… but you guys were all rock stars! You guys are all doing so good. We are so proud of you. Grandma and Grandpa Dave came to visit you as well. They weren’t allowed to hold you but they watched us hold you guys. The nurses dont want to introduce any more "new" things  (like being passed around, being held by different people) than they have to. Technically since you are supposed to be in my womb still, they want to limit the amount of stimulation and sensory you receive. Overstimilation can have lasting affects this early on so the doctor says... so we'll listen to him! :)


Mom and Dad

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016: C-Section Day!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Well, today was the day!!! I can't believe that we made it to 35 weeks! This was such a huge blessing! As Dad and I went to the hospital, my nerves were all over the place. I wasn’t nervous for the actual surgery but I was nervous for the spinal as well as the recovery process. Things touching my back freaks me out since I’ve had issues with my back in the past.

Here is our last picture before heading to the hospital :)

Pre-op went by really fast and the nurse that I had was super nice and helpful. She helped me feel comfortable and not so nervous.

As I was getting rolled to the operating room, I was wheeled past Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Grandpa Dave. I gave them a wave and nervous smile. Once inside the room, I climbed up onto the table to get my spinal. Dr. Lu was the anesthesiologist and she was a cute little asian lady that was very comforting and encouraging as well. I hunched forward and curved my back in order for them to put the needle in the right place. It was a quick pinch but hurt. I kept thinking "don't move or else they might have to do it again!". That was the most motivating thing... I didn't want to have to go through it a second time if I moved and messed it up. 

In the room there was A LOT of people! Holy Cow! There were 2 doctors that were working on me, a couple nurses for me, and the anesthesiologist. Then each baby had about 4 people working on them. 

Dr. Moore was good to make sure to show me each baby as he pulled them out. It was quick. Adeline, you were taken out first. You started crying immediately and it seemed like a good, strong cry. My eyes started watering... you were MY child! I couldn't believe it! Dr. Lu commented how big you looked! Next, you were pulled out Rush. You also started crying but I could tell you were a little smaller than Adeline.  You were so cute though! Audrey, they took you out, but didn't show you to me before they hauled you off to your other room (They didn't have enough space to have all 3 babies in the OR). 

The nurses then made sure all of you were measured and healthy. Then they showed me you guys while the doctors were cleaning me up and closing me up. It was so cute to see you wrapped up and put in front of me. 

Adeline: 5lbs 2oz
Rush: 3lbs 15oz
Audrey: 4lbs 9oz

When I was wheeled out of the operating room and into the pre-recovery room, I saw Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Dave. I started shaking really bad. They said it was a combination of medications, a cold room, and surgery. It was so annoying and my legs weren't waking up yet. The anesthesiologist checked on my a couple times and seemed a little disappointed when I couldn't wake my legs up. I wasn't worried, but I guess they should've started waking up earlier. 

Dad was running between me, your grandparents, and you guys. He let Baba, Jiji, Grandma, and Dave all visit you to see you guys in the NICU. After my legs were starting to wake up, they wheeled me down to the NICU. 

Laying in bed wasn't uncomfortable but I could feel throbbing, not painful. The first time I was able to get up out of bed was around 1030pm (9ish hours after surgery). I felt like my stomach was going to rip open. When I stood up it was like my stomach couldn't stretch as far as it needed to in order to stand straight. The best motivation was everyone telling me that getting up to walk was the best kickstart to feeling better... annnd the fact that getting up meant seeing you guys was the BEST MOTIVATION ever! I just wanted to see you guys!

We went and visited you at 11pm and stayed with you guys until 1am. You’re stats are all good, considering you are still premie. MIRACLES all around!

Adeline- You were put on a nasal cannula to help breathe. You didn’t really need it, but it was set to “room air” setting… you just needed the extra flow directly to your lungs. They predict that you’ll be off of it tomorrow or the next day. Because of the nasal cannula, I wasn’t able to hold you because they wanted to keep you undisturbed for a little while. So, hopefully tomorrow morning I can hold you! You are so beautiful. You have blonde hair- what?! I never would’ve thought.

Rush- I was able to hold you! You are soo cute! You are a tiny little thing. Your dark hair is adorable. You look like a little man with your dark eyebrows. You were crying, but as soon as I held you, you stopped. That melted my heart. You spit up a couple times but the nurses said that it wasn’t concerning and pretty common. When I was talking to you, you tried opening one eye. You were trying so hard! I felt like you knew me already.

Audrey- I was able to hold you too! So adorable. You have blonde hair— nothing I would have imagined! Audrey, you are the calmest one. You aren’t phased by anything. When I held you you had your big eyes open. You were taking in everything! You were so aware of everything going on. You seemed like you had a lot of neck strength already! It was so strong. While holding you, I saw this red dot on your shoulder. At first I thought it was a birth mark or something but then I saw another red drop. It was blood! Your IV had ripped out apparently during the transfer from your isolate to me. You weren’t even phased by it—- so calm.

Later, I went back to the room and pumped for the first time around 2am. Nothing came, but they told me it could take up to 4 days to have anything come in since c-sections make it a little harder for your body to produce since it wasn't "ready".

It was a crazy first day!

We love you guys,
Mom and Dad