Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Things to Remember

Dear Bundles of Joy,

You guys are 3 weeks old today! Wow, time has flown by! You guys are so cute! Dad and I can't take it. We wish we could hold you all day... but then you'd never go to sleep on your own haha. I love feeding you guys and looking into your eyes. You are all so beautiful.

Adeline- You have gotten sooo much better at sucking the bottle. You are starting to pick up the amount you eat and are sleeping well. You are so cute- when you are hungry you open your mouth real wide and shake your head from left to right very vigorously! It resembles a little birdie waiting for the mom to drop in a worm. Also, the faces you make after you eat make me laugh every time if I look for too long. Your eyes roll back and your mouth smirks. Such a cutie!

Rush- Funny story... the other day while I was changing your diaper, you peed! But, this pee didn't spray on me- it sprayed on the curtain behind you! This curtain was a good 2 feet or more away! It was so funny. Baba was in the room too and we were almost crying because we were laughing so hard. You had a good shot! We [especially Dad] was so proud haha.

Audrey- You are so patient. You almost never cry... and if you do, it's because you usually have a dirty diaper. Whenever I go in to get you for your feeding, you are sometimes awake and just looking around the room with your cute eyes. The other day I went in to get you and you were just there... not crying... shoving your hand in your mouth because you were so hungry! So sad... you didn't even cry when you were starving! You are so observant and [what seems like] a peacemaker. We love you!

We love you so much,
Mom and Dad

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