Thursday, January 5, 2017

First Pediatrician Appointment- First Bath at Home- Holding all 3

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was your first doctor's appointment! Dad and Baba was able to come to help- which was necessary since I was busy the whole time filling out paperwork! You guys did sooo well!!! You ate your bottles while we waited for the doctor. The doctor said that you guys all look great too. Your goal right now is just to eat and grow. :)

When we got home we gave you three baths for the first time at home.  Rush, you just got wiped down with a washcloth since you're still healing from your circumcision. You seemed to like it. We love you guys!

Later at night, we were able to hold all 3 of you on our own! We were so excited and loved every minute of it. 

Mom and Dad

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