Saturday, January 21, 2017

1 Month old!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

You guys are 1 month old!!!

Adeline is 6lbs
Rush is 5lbs 6oz
Audrey is 6lbs 8oz

We love you so much. Things have been crazy over here. You're basically just eating, sleeping, crying, peeing, and pooping!

We love you, 
Mom and Dad

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was your first photoshoot. I was a little nervous at first, hoping that this investment would be worth it and the pictures would turn out cute... and let me just say that I am SO EXCITED to get these pictures back because they are sooooo cute!!! You guys obviously are adorable, but I was hoping that the photographer could capture it and I know she did... you guys were perfection!

The photographer was so good at handling you guys. When we got there you all started to cry because you were getting hungry. Once you guys were fed, you were ready and getting sleepy. The studio was warm- really warm in order to keep you guys comfortable while we were changing you and while you were naked for some of the pictures. I felt fine, but Dad said he was dying and sweating a little haha. The photographer was super talented in positioning you guys and keeping you sleepy/ calm. She would tap your fingers to soften them, had a loud white noise sound on, and had a portable heater if any of you seemed cold.

Adeline- You were out cold for the photoshoot. You did great.

Rush- You were out cold as well for most of it. Towards the end you were not having any of the posing in a suitcase. You also peed on the photographer haha. Don't worry, it wasn't the first time this happened to her and won't be the last.

Audrey- You were a little fussy at first which was so surprising. But, you quieted down and did well. However, you did pee on the assistants phone during the circle photo and might have broken her speaker... she ran and put it in rice so hopefully it dries out and is fine. She probably shouldn't have put her phone right by your bum on the bean bag though haha.

 Here you guys are in "action" that Dad was able to capture. The first picture is us trying to keep you guys awake before the photoshoot so that you'd be sleepy for the whole time. You guys LOVED these bumbo loungers! We'll have to use them more!

We CANNOT WAIT to get these picture back! You guys made their job easy since you guys are soo cute!

Mom and Dad

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Things to Remember

Dear Bundles of Joy,

You guys are 3 weeks old today! Wow, time has flown by! You guys are so cute! Dad and I can't take it. We wish we could hold you all day... but then you'd never go to sleep on your own haha. I love feeding you guys and looking into your eyes. You are all so beautiful.

Adeline- You have gotten sooo much better at sucking the bottle. You are starting to pick up the amount you eat and are sleeping well. You are so cute- when you are hungry you open your mouth real wide and shake your head from left to right very vigorously! It resembles a little birdie waiting for the mom to drop in a worm. Also, the faces you make after you eat make me laugh every time if I look for too long. Your eyes roll back and your mouth smirks. Such a cutie!

Rush- Funny story... the other day while I was changing your diaper, you peed! But, this pee didn't spray on me- it sprayed on the curtain behind you! This curtain was a good 2 feet or more away! It was so funny. Baba was in the room too and we were almost crying because we were laughing so hard. You had a good shot! We [especially Dad] was so proud haha.

Audrey- You are so patient. You almost never cry... and if you do, it's because you usually have a dirty diaper. Whenever I go in to get you for your feeding, you are sometimes awake and just looking around the room with your cute eyes. The other day I went in to get you and you were just there... not crying... shoving your hand in your mouth because you were so hungry! So sad... you didn't even cry when you were starving! You are so observant and [what seems like] a peacemaker. We love you!

We love you so much,
Mom and Dad

Monday, January 9, 2017

Grandma holding you for the first time

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Grandma was able to come over today and hold you for the first time! She was so excited! She will be coming over once a week to help feed you guys while Baba and I either run errands, take a nap, or just to have an extra set of hands for a feeding. You guys did great with her.

Everyone adores you guys, 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

First Pediatrician Appointment- First Bath at Home- Holding all 3

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was your first doctor's appointment! Dad and Baba was able to come to help- which was necessary since I was busy the whole time filling out paperwork! You guys did sooo well!!! You ate your bottles while we waited for the doctor. The doctor said that you guys all look great too. Your goal right now is just to eat and grow. :)

When we got home we gave you three baths for the first time at home.  Rush, you just got wiped down with a washcloth since you're still healing from your circumcision. You seemed to like it. We love you guys!

Later at night, we were able to hold all 3 of you on our own! We were so excited and loved every minute of it. 

Mom and Dad

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

First Night Home with all 3

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Adeline- You cried a couple times in the night last night. You were hungry.

Rush- You kept making grunting noises last night... I couldn't sleep knowing it could mean something. You did great though!

Audrey- You had a great night last night. You didn't even cry! You ate your food and slept well. However, none of us slept since

Dad and I both got some snuggle time with all of you today. I'm wearing a mask since I've started coughing the last day or so and don't want to change getting you sick. Dad is so excited to be home and spend it with you guys. We are so blessed that you guys are doing so well!

Mom and Dad

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday, December 3- Two more coming home!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

So today I went to the hospital to see you two, Adeline and Rush. The nurse said to expect you guys to be home by the end of the week.

However, around 4pm I received a phone call and the doctor that was making rounds said that you two would be coming home TONIGHT! What?! This was totally unexpected! Baba and I rushed to collect the things we needed to go get you guys.

I barely had time to process this and thought to call dad, but he was already on a plane to come home. I thought since I was so caught off guard, that it'd be fun to surprise dad as well. When he got home from the airport we were feeding Audrey. He wanted to cuddle you, Audrey so he took you. He was so excited that you were actually home! He couldn't believe it! Little did he know that the other 2 were home too. I said he should probably put Audrey down in her bed and when he walked into the room, he saw you two there in your beds! He stopped walking and was so surprised! He kept saying "what?! They're home?" YAY!

We are excited to have you all at home but it is still a little nerve-wracking! Here's to a crazy night!

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday, December 2, 2017

Dear Bundles of Joy,

I was a little more tired than usual since Audrey was home last night ;)

Adeline and Rush- I was able to go to your 2pm feeding today. You both are still in open bassinets and are doing well with your temperatures. The nurse said both of you had a little bit of reflux showing since they put your beds level/ flat. Other than that, you both are doing well and talks of coming home relatively soon are still in "talks". We can't wait until you join us all at home!


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Sunday, December 1, 2017- First one coming home!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I can't believe that 2016 is already over. The pregnancy with you guys went by so quickly! Everyone would say " I bet you can't wait to get these guys out of you" or "You're probably so done with being pregnant' or "I bet it's going by so slowly for you". But, actually, I loved being pregnant. I had waited to be pregnant for so long that I loved knowing I finally was. I don't think I enjoyed it so much in the fact that I was constantly worrying about you guys, but I did feel so blessed. We were also always "looking to the next milestone" so I felt like time went quickly- 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks, 24 weeks, etc. Each time we made it to another milestone, I would thank Heavenly Father for that blessing that you guys were growing and healthy.

Today also started 2017 with a bang... with many firsts in the hospital:

Adeline- You ate your whole bottle again! You did well in your open bassinet too! The nurse even said that you would probably be coming home by the end of this week! What?! I can't believe it. This was shocking- but I guess you are doing so well :)

Rush- When we arrived at the hospital, your isolette was open. The nurse said you didn't need the temperature regulation anymore. You also ate all of your bottle- so impressive! Right after your feeding you had like 3 HUGE burps. Baba and I laughed so hard- such a little man haha. By the time we left, the nurse had set up your bassinet! No more isolette for you! What?! She also mentioned that YOU would be coming home by the end of this week too and to bring your car seat in tomorrow so that you could do your car seat test!

Audrey- YOU CAME HOME TODAY!!! It was so weird walking out of the hospital with you! I felt sad that we were leaving your siblings behind, but with the news that they might be home by the end of this week made it more manageable. On the drive home I couldn't stop looking at you. You were so cute, sleeping in your car seat. When we got home Jiji was laughing in amazement with how tiny and cute you are. We fed you and put you down. You ate fairly well. During one time at night, you were moving your hands free from the swaddle and I let you grab my pinky finger. You held on tight and squeezed it periodically. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about how blessed we are. We are so lucky to finally have all you guys and I love you all so much already. You slept and ate all you needed to for your first night home. You are so easy-going. Even when you woke up so hungry and opening your mouth so wide, you weren't crying. You just shook your head around hoping a bottle would be put in there. After you ate and burped, you would have the cutest smiley/ content face. It is so fun to watch. I hope the others transition as well as you have this night.

Wow! You kids are already impressing me with how much progress you've made in such a small amount of time. I love you so much! <3
