Saturday, October 1, 2016

"Everything Will Work Out"

Dear Bundles of Joy,

As you probably already know, one of Dad's favorite sayings is "Everything will work out". Although I know this is true, I always chuckle when your dad says it when  I am worrying about something.

These past few years struggling to get you guys here, has been one for the books, that's for sure. After every month with no success, Dad would say "Everything will work out". After months of failed medications, Dad would say, "Everything will work out". After 2 unsuccessful IUI's, Dad would say (with tears in his eyes like mine), "Everything will work out". We were blessed on our 3rd IUI, after nearly 5 years of struggling and emotional rollercoasters.

Looking back, I know that if you 3 came when we first wanted kids, it would have been much more difficult. Not that it couldn't have been done, but we are blessed to have had the time before you came to prepare more.

Looking back, I am glad that I had that time to build a more solid foundation with your dad, my forever husband.

Looking back, I am glad that I had that time to build a more solid testimony of the Savior, his atonement, and his love for me.

Looking back, I am so happy that I tried to make the most of my life and progress in my schooling, career, skills, and experience.

Looking back, I am so happy that I chose to be happy, even though I was hurting inside.

Looking back, I know that God truly had my best interest in mind. His way was always better than my way.

Looking back, I know that I was able to serve and help others in ways that would have been much more difficult had you come when I wanted you to come. God knew what I could and couldn't handle.

Looking back, I know that although we will have stressful times coming in the future, I know that at the end of the day I will look back on the day and never take for granted what blessings I have in my life because of my struggle to get you here. You guys will always be my little miracles.

Looking back on these past few years and reflecting on all of these blessings that I have, I find myself wet with tears of gratitude and humility. This has happened multiple times while: driving down the road, sitting quietly at home, reading conference talks, doing mundane things throughout the day, etc. I don't know why we were blessed when others who have similar situations are not as "lucky". But, I do know that it was through God that you were sent to us. We are very blessed to have you, all three of you.

I cannot wait until you guys are here. Please keep cookin until you are ready to be here with us.

We love you,
Mom and Dad

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