Thursday, October 20, 2016

26 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a good day! Mom and dad came into town last night--- phew, I'm not alone anymore! Dad was getting worried that I wouldn't have anyone here to "take care of me" while he was away for work training. I kept telling him I was fine and that he was away for good reason... we are both doing what needs to be done. :)

Today I had another ultrasound with Dr. Miller. My cervix was the same length!!! I'm free for another week at home! This is great because I am having our Baby Shower this weekend so I wanted to make sure to be there! I hope people come out and support us!

We weren't able to get too many pictures of Baby A again... You're just too smooshed down there... and all cozy looking. Here are some pictures from today:

Also, when I met with Dr. Miller, he said I looked great and was doing great. He even gave me a high five... haha. Well, lets keep impressing the doctor, kids!

Love you,

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