Wednesday, October 26, 2016

27 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a quick ultrasound at Dr. Miller's office. It was the first time that I can say that the ultrasound was VERY unpleasant!!! I had to sit up a couple times and at one point I got light headed, clammy feeling, and almost threw up! My belly is just getting too heavy to lie down for that long! Im dreading next week: the anatomy scan! Those are like 1.5 hours long! It will probably be longer since I'll be needing more breaks than before too. BUT, I am excited to see how much you've all grown since the last growth scan at 24 weeks. I'm hoping that you are 2 or 2.5 pounds each! We'll see.

Dr. Miller also informed me that I have gestational diabetes... come to find out later that I really don't, but was on the cusp of "normal" and he just wanted to be safe... so now I get to prick my finger 4 times a day and have to write down everything I eat on a log and send those logs in to the nutrition counselor. I feel like it stresses me out since it's sort of a schedule I have to stick to, ugh. BUT, hopefully it's for your benefit...

Here are the pictures from today. We didn't get too many because of all my interruptions... haha. Oops.


Monday, October 24, 2016

27 Weeks- OB Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a quick visit to the OB. I got my T-DAP and Flu shot in the office. It was painless. One of the nurses taking my vitals started talking about how I saw Dr. Amols. She is currently in the middle of an IUI cycle and was obviously hoping for the best. She seemed worried that she would have multiples though haha.

Dr. Moore said that I was doing great! One day at a time!

Here are some pictures from today:


Thursday, October 20, 2016

26 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a good day! Mom and dad came into town last night--- phew, I'm not alone anymore! Dad was getting worried that I wouldn't have anyone here to "take care of me" while he was away for work training. I kept telling him I was fine and that he was away for good reason... we are both doing what needs to be done. :)

Today I had another ultrasound with Dr. Miller. My cervix was the same length!!! I'm free for another week at home! This is great because I am having our Baby Shower this weekend so I wanted to make sure to be there! I hope people come out and support us!

We weren't able to get too many pictures of Baby A again... You're just too smooshed down there... and all cozy looking. Here are some pictures from today:

Also, when I met with Dr. Miller, he said I looked great and was doing great. He even gave me a high five... haha. Well, lets keep impressing the doctor, kids!

Love you,

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

25 Weeks- MFM October 12

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a little nerve racking, since my cervix was going to get checked again. If it had shortened, then I would mostly likely be sent to the hospital. So every week I had to prepare myself for this possibility. I sure hope not!

Here are some pictures from today:

When the tech checked my cervix, it was about the same as last week 1.9/2ish! Yay for another week. Dr. Miller also did a swab test (Fetal Fibronectin) which could indicate the possibility of preterm labor within the next 2 weeks. This test came back negative- woo hoo! Another 2 weeks down (possibly!).

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

25 Weeks- OB ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

You guys are 25 weeks old! Woohoo! This last week I have felt A LOT of movement! Mostly from Baby A. At times it has made me feel motion sickness! Thanks a lot Baby A! ;)

Today I had an OB ultrasound. Here are some pictures from today!

Love you already, 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

24 Weeks- MFM Anatomy Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

So today I left work early because I think I'm starting to get a head cold: stuffy nose, coughing a little, and tired. I was planning on getting the flu shot (per doctor's suggestion) but can't now since my immune system is already trying to fight something. I'm hoping I'm wrong though and it is just allergies with the weather changing. Fingers crossed.

Today's appointment was more detailed since it was an anatomy scan. They checked your growth and all sorts of measurements. You are all right on track and in the 50% range for size, which is awesome for triplets!

Baby A- 1 lb 8 oz
Baby B- 1 lb 10 oz
Baby C- 1 lb 10 oz

Yippee, you guys are doing great! I feel great, but my cervix was shortening. It was at 2 cm. :( Dr. Miller put me on home bed rest. He said I was grounded... which makes me a little scared, but it's for the best. I have another appointment next week to check on my cervix again. If it has shortened a lot, then hospital bedrest is a possibility (NO!!!!!). However, if it is stable and holding then I'll continue on home bed rest.

We're hoping for the best. Dad won't be home until around November 10th, so we're hoping you guys stay put until AT LEAST then.

Here are some pictures from today:

We love you,
Mom and Dad