Thursday, September 22, 2016

22 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a quick check up ultrasound. I was able to get my cervix checked again... It was a little shorter than last week (2.8cm), but not anything of worry yet.

I was able to speak with the MFM, who is now Dr. Miller. (Dr. Elliot is switching over to the hospital setting more than office/practice- bummer). He explained to me that the OB found some protein in my 24 hour urine sample. In some cases, this can be a precursor or indicator of pre-eclampsia. However, Dr. Miller said that the protein levels were so low that he thinks it is due to multiples as well as "my normal" because all my other findings were perfect. He said the sample showed that my kidneys were performing perfectly (phew) and all other things tested from the sample were in their normal range. He said not to worry; everything was great right now. My blood pressure is still lower average... which is great- it gives me a little more wiggle room to rise if needed.

This appointment made me feel a lot better. I was worried when the OB's office called me to tell me that their was protein in my urine.

Well, keep cooking guys!


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