Thursday, September 15, 2016


Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to visit the specialist's office to check on my cervix. Last week it was measured at 2.6cm, which isn't ideal. That is shorter than "normal" for my gestation. It really freaked me out that it was short. I saw on the screen that it looked shorter than my previous appointment. I knew that it was shorter without the tech even saying anything. If my cervix gets too short, then it means that I would get a cerclage (stitched up) to keep you babies in me, growing. Then, I would be put on home bed rest or even hospital bed rest.

I was a little nervous this morning, not knowing what was going to happen. It's hard too because there isn't anything that I could have done to keep it from shortening. It just has to do with the pregnancy hormones that my body produces and how my body reacts to the changes happening with you guys.

As soon as she put the ultrasound wand in me, I could see that it definitely looked different than last week. It looked more like it had a few weeks ago. She asked if I did anything different this week and I said no. I asked her what the measurement was and she said 3.8! I was so happy. She also kept saying that "This usually never happens! It looks great!". I got teary eyed. Even though things can change by next week. I am so happy that I was given an extra week of "normal".  Also, I asked the tech why the doctor would have me go see a fetal cardiologist; was there something wrong that was seen on the ultrasound last week? She mentioned that nothing irregular was found last week (PHEW), but that it was normal to see this type of doctor for those that had fertility treatments to have a better, more detailed, look at their hearts. This also was a huge relief. It was a great morning. We are very blessed, you guys. :)

Your dad gave me a blessing last week because I was worried about this situation (cervical length and the "why" of having to see the fetal cardiologist). This is the third blessing I have gotten from your dad during this pregnancy (First was during the IUI, second was a little after I found out I was pregnant, and this time). I am so thankful for a husband that is ready and willing to give me a blessing whenever I ask. I always feel the spirit so strong during them. I know that whatever happens is the way that God needs them to be. I know that He loves you guys so much. I know I do. We want you to come here safe. We want you here with us. But--- stay in as long as you can so that you grow, grow, grow.

Here are a couple pictures from today... she didn't send me very many, but it wasn't that detailed of a scan.  Your 3-D pictures are a little crazy because you guys are getting so squished in there and all curled up haha.

(She didn't send a picture of all your heartbeats, just Baby A. And she didn't send any pictures of Baby C... Grrrr...)

Your mom

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