Friday, September 23, 2016

22 Weeks- Fetal Cardiologist

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today I woke up a little nervous. Since Dad is in town, he was able to tag along to this appointment. We headed to the fetal cardiologist's office in Glendale. His name is Dr. Jedaiken. He seemed like a very good doctor.

We were having each of your hearts examined. The appointment took about 3 hours! My back was killing during it; I couldn't get comfortable and laying on my back is becoming more and more unpleasant. But, it was worth it to make sure we got all the pictures we needed for your hearts.

We weren't given any pictures (most were just zoomed in photos of your heart) this time around. But Dr. Jedaiken walked in and said that he was monitoring all the images being sent to him and said that everything looked great. He pulled us into his office and went over the anatomy of your hearts vs. adult hearts. It was interesting. I was so glad to hear that as of right now, everything is perfect.

Dad and I kept thinking, "with everything that could go wrong (especially with 3) we are so lucky to have everything go perfect so far". I know that anything can still happen since I am only 22 weeks, but we feel confident that things will work out how they should. We feel so excited for your arrival and CANNOT wait!!!

We love you guys already!

Mom and Dad

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