Thursday, September 29, 2016

23 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today I had an ultrasound at Dr. Miller's office. As always, I was a little nervous because if my cervix was too short, I'd have to get stitched up and probably be put on home or hospital bed rest.

My cervix has shorted a tiny bit to 2.8cm but was holding there... so one more week of normal life! Yay! The tech was also able to get a couple great pictures of you guys!

Look how cute you guys are!!! Apparently the tech forgot to send me some pictures of you Baby B :( Unfortunate. But there will be more to come with the amount of appointments I have haha. 

Love you, 

Monday, September 26, 2016

23 Weeks- OB Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today I was able to have another ultrasound at the OB's office. It was just a quick check up on your heartbeats. Here are the pictures they got.

Your Mom

Saturday, September 24, 2016

I Love to See the Temple

Dear Bundles of Joy,

A couple weeks after I found out that we were having triplets, we had Stake Conference. Obviously the excitement, shock, and fear were still at an all time high. I was nervous to have finally become pregnant and then for it to end in miscarriage. Thoughts of knowing that things will work out how they should kept coming to my mind. I had to enjoy being pregnant while I could and let what would happen, happen.

During Stake Conference I had the thought come to my mind that going to the temple will keep you littles safe. Dad and I have been pretty good about going to the temple every week since we've been married. The first 2 years of our marriage we made it EVERY SINGLE WEEK! Over time, we didn't plan things as well as we should have, but we still were making it regularly. We were trying. Recently, we have been doing pretty well, but since it was my summer break, I knew that I could be going more. When I had this thought come to me, my eyes became wet. I KNEW that I would be blessed if I made it my first priority to go to the temple as often as I could.

Now, during these first few months of being pregnant, I was a little nauseous. I knew that doing initiatories were my best bet of not becoming more sick. Since I wasn't working during the week, I tried going a couple times per week. Once work started in the middle of August, I've made it a point to go every Saturday. I don't tell you these things to brag or whatnot, but to let you know that I firmly believe that I am (and you are) being blessed by putting this goal first.

Today, Dad and I went to the temple... only for it to be closed. I couldn't think of a reason of why it would be closed (they did their cleaning about a month ago) other than tonight was the Women's Session of General Conference... Either way, we tried haha. There's always the week after General Conference and the week after that and the week after that...

I know that by serving others and putting God first, that we will be blessed.

Love you,
Mom and Dad

Friday, September 23, 2016

22 Weeks- Fetal Cardiologist

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today I woke up a little nervous. Since Dad is in town, he was able to tag along to this appointment. We headed to the fetal cardiologist's office in Glendale. His name is Dr. Jedaiken. He seemed like a very good doctor.

We were having each of your hearts examined. The appointment took about 3 hours! My back was killing during it; I couldn't get comfortable and laying on my back is becoming more and more unpleasant. But, it was worth it to make sure we got all the pictures we needed for your hearts.

We weren't given any pictures (most were just zoomed in photos of your heart) this time around. But Dr. Jedaiken walked in and said that he was monitoring all the images being sent to him and said that everything looked great. He pulled us into his office and went over the anatomy of your hearts vs. adult hearts. It was interesting. I was so glad to hear that as of right now, everything is perfect.

Dad and I kept thinking, "with everything that could go wrong (especially with 3) we are so lucky to have everything go perfect so far". I know that anything can still happen since I am only 22 weeks, but we feel confident that things will work out how they should. We feel so excited for your arrival and CANNOT wait!!!

We love you guys already!

Mom and Dad

Thursday, September 22, 2016

22 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today was a quick check up ultrasound. I was able to get my cervix checked again... It was a little shorter than last week (2.8cm), but not anything of worry yet.

I was able to speak with the MFM, who is now Dr. Miller. (Dr. Elliot is switching over to the hospital setting more than office/practice- bummer). He explained to me that the OB found some protein in my 24 hour urine sample. In some cases, this can be a precursor or indicator of pre-eclampsia. However, Dr. Miller said that the protein levels were so low that he thinks it is due to multiples as well as "my normal" because all my other findings were perfect. He said the sample showed that my kidneys were performing perfectly (phew) and all other things tested from the sample were in their normal range. He said not to worry; everything was great right now. My blood pressure is still lower average... which is great- it gives me a little more wiggle room to rise if needed.

This appointment made me feel a lot better. I was worried when the OB's office called me to tell me that their was protein in my urine.

Well, keep cooking guys!


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

22 Weeks- OB Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today I had my first ultrasound at the OB's office... it was definitely different than the ones I've had at the MFM's office. It didn't seem as detailed and I felt like we didn't get as good quality of pictures, but it's always nice to see you guys and make sure that everything is okay. Your heartrates were all great and you were all moving around like crazy... like usual!

It seems like you guys are already making friends with each other in there. Keep each other company since you'll be in there a while longer (don't even think about coming too early....) ;)

Here are some pictures we got printed out at the appointment.

Love you guys,

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to visit the specialist's office to check on my cervix. Last week it was measured at 2.6cm, which isn't ideal. That is shorter than "normal" for my gestation. It really freaked me out that it was short. I saw on the screen that it looked shorter than my previous appointment. I knew that it was shorter without the tech even saying anything. If my cervix gets too short, then it means that I would get a cerclage (stitched up) to keep you babies in me, growing. Then, I would be put on home bed rest or even hospital bed rest.

I was a little nervous this morning, not knowing what was going to happen. It's hard too because there isn't anything that I could have done to keep it from shortening. It just has to do with the pregnancy hormones that my body produces and how my body reacts to the changes happening with you guys.

As soon as she put the ultrasound wand in me, I could see that it definitely looked different than last week. It looked more like it had a few weeks ago. She asked if I did anything different this week and I said no. I asked her what the measurement was and she said 3.8! I was so happy. She also kept saying that "This usually never happens! It looks great!". I got teary eyed. Even though things can change by next week. I am so happy that I was given an extra week of "normal".  Also, I asked the tech why the doctor would have me go see a fetal cardiologist; was there something wrong that was seen on the ultrasound last week? She mentioned that nothing irregular was found last week (PHEW), but that it was normal to see this type of doctor for those that had fertility treatments to have a better, more detailed, look at their hearts. This also was a huge relief. It was a great morning. We are very blessed, you guys. :)

Your dad gave me a blessing last week because I was worried about this situation (cervical length and the "why" of having to see the fetal cardiologist). This is the third blessing I have gotten from your dad during this pregnancy (First was during the IUI, second was a little after I found out I was pregnant, and this time). I am so thankful for a husband that is ready and willing to give me a blessing whenever I ask. I always feel the spirit so strong during them. I know that whatever happens is the way that God needs them to be. I know that He loves you guys so much. I know I do. We want you to come here safe. We want you here with us. But--- stay in as long as you can so that you grow, grow, grow.

Here are a couple pictures from today... she didn't send me very many, but it wasn't that detailed of a scan.  Your 3-D pictures are a little crazy because you guys are getting so squished in there and all curled up haha.

(She didn't send a picture of all your heartbeats, just Baby A. And she didn't send any pictures of Baby C... Grrrr...)

Your mom

Monday, September 12, 2016

22 Weeks- Finally Meeting the OB!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

After work today, I was able to have my first appointment with an OB-GYN... the person that will deliver you guys! Since I am already 21 weeks, it is definitely late to be seeing the OB for the first time, but it has been a struggle even finding a doctor who would accept this case, apparently. I had called 3 or 4 OB's and they all said that they "don't do triplets". Strange. Dr. Elliott (the specialist) made me feel more comfortable throughout this so I wasn't too worried and he said he'd find an OB.

He found me Dr. Moore I had my routine female check-up, a urine sample, and my vitals taken. All seemed well. They also ordered a 24 hour urine sample. Apparently this is normal for a multiple pregnancy. It was... interesting to say the least. I had to take a plastic orange jug and keep it for 24 hours to collect my samples haha. It was strange to take it to work... :/ Glad its over and hopefully it shows that everything is okay. They're doing it to make sure I don't have pre-eclampsia since it is more common in a multiples pregnancy, especially early on.

Anyway, after speaking with Dr. Moore, I felt more comfortable. I had asked him if he had done a triplet pregnancy before and he said he had. He also said he's done a couple quadruplet pregnancies. This made me feel better about who was going to be taking you guys out. We'll see how it goes, but he said that if I deliver before 28 weeks then I'd go to Banner Desert but if I can hold out until longer then I would be delivering at Chandler Regional. He says we're going to be aiming for 35 weeks. I told him that I keep telling you guys that... "Stay in there until 35 weeks, kiddos!"

I keep hoping and praying that you guys stay safe. I love you already.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

20 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Well today was one for the books! It was a full, detailed anatomy scan. It took 3 hours! It was a long appointment, but was so fun to be able to see you on the screen for that long! The doctor said that everything looked good. But, my cervix was shortening so I would have to go back next week to get that checked out. The doctor mentioned to prepare for bed or home rest sooner than later. I guess we'll have to see what happens. I'll stop working in a second if that means it'll keep you guys safe in there- just waiting on doctor's orders. We want to keep you guys cookin' as long as we can. I know we've waiting a long time to be with each other... but as your mother, I'm telling you to stay in! hehe. Please listen. Coming now, or even in the next month would be too scary. Dad will give me a blessing later tonight or this weekend for my body to give you guys the best environment and to bless you little ones too to keep growing correctly. I know things will work out the way they are supposed to.

As we were leaving the office, the doctor also told the receptionist to book an appointment with a fetal cardiologist. At the time, I was caught off guard and just started thinking about times that would work with my schedule. As we left, I kept thinking... why? Why do we have to go see this specialist? The doctor said you guys all looked good. Was this routine for a multiple, or even singleton, pregnancy? Or was there something wrong with one of your guys' hearts? Since it is Friday night by the time I was thinking these things, I guess I'll have to wait until Monday and give the office a call...

We love you guys! Keep cookin.