Thursday, April 21, 2016

IUI #3 (April - May 2016)

Dear Bundle of Joy,

So we're off to lucky #3! This last failed IUI was really hard for me. I felt like it was the hardest to "bounce back" from, thus far. But, like always, I got over it and kept pushing on. It will happen when it is supposed to happen. I had a sweet friend drop of a picture frame with the quote "Keey trying, trusting, believing, growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever" -Jeffrey R. Holland. It means a lot to me knowing other people care and are thinking about me in this long process. It also is nice having a very supportive husband who will hold me while I cry,  and cry,  and cry. He's very faithful and knows it'll happen when it's supposed to.

CD 2: Thursday, April 21- So, I had an appointment today to start round #3! I was afraid we'd have a cyst, like before, and have to delay treatment. If that were the case, we wouldn't have been able to do this month since I will be out of town for Girls Camp June 1-4. BUUUUUT the stars were aligned and no cysts this round!!! :) He is changing up the medication amounts this round to be more aggressive (but also more expensive with meds on my end...) in the beginning. Crossing our fingers... again!

CD 3: Friday, April 22- Today was cycle day 3 so I started taking my 2 Femara pills. Easy peazy, lemon squeezy.

CD 4: Saturday, April 23- Tonight I had to take my 2 Femara pills and also 125u of Gonal-f. It was a quick and easy shot! Hooray!

CD 5: Sunday, April 24- 2 Femara pills were on the menu tonight!

CD 6: Monday, April 25- 2 Femara pills and another shot of 125u of Gonal-f! The shot didn't like my left side (it stuck me and didn't really slide in... it hurt!), so I switched it to the right. It went right in! All afternoon and night I was soo tired and had a migraine. It was the worst, so I took a nap when I got home from work and still managed to go to sleep at 9!

CD 7: Tuesday, April 26-  2 Femara pills tonight! When I woke up I felt great- I was glad to see that my migraine had gone away. For some reason, around 8:00am I started to feel so nauseated! It lasted about an hour with cold sweats coming and going. I was substituting at a good high school today so managing them wasn't bad, so that's good. Around 9:00am I bent over a trash can behind the teacher's desk in the classroom and threw up! Ugh! It was a small class in a "study hall" type period, so at least it was a very informal class. The kids were very kind, but it was still kind of embarrassing. I told them it was a side effect of a prescription that I was taking and that I was fine. I went home from work and had an upset stomach all afternoon and evening.

CD 8: Wednesday, April 27-  I wasn't nauseous today, so that was good! I was really tired which was really weird since I took a nap and went to sleep early last night... Anyway, I had an ultrasound today the the RE's office since it was CD8. Everything is turning out great! I had 5 follicles that were all at 14mm! This is good, but cautiously good. We can't have too many follicles that reach maturity: ideally 3-4. (However, Dad keeps saying "who cares if there are 5... when there were 3 or 4 the last couple times it didn't work." Apparently, he's okay if we have quintuplets or something haha!) For this reason, my units of my shot tonight were lowered from 125 units to 75 units. So, for tonights meds it is 2 Femara pills as well as a shot of 75u of  Gonal-f. Dr. Amols wants to bring me in again tomorrow morning before work for another ultrasound to monitor the follicles and their reaction to the 75 units. Hoping everything works the way it should!

CD 9: Thursday, April 28- Today I went to the doctors before work. I have 4 follicles that are measuring at 15mm. He says this is good. He wanted me to use 100u of gonal-f tonight and come back tomorrow. The shot actually went in smoothly and didn't hurt--- hooray! I gave the shot just to the right of my belly button and it seems that my right side cooperates better. So, I will see what he says tomorrow at 4:45 at my appointment... hopefully its a go!

CD 10: Friday, April 29- This afternoon I had a huge migraine all day and some nausea for about an hour while at work. I also had another appointment with Dr. Amols today after work. I had 3 follicles that are measuring at 16mm and 1 follicle at 17mm.  He is very happy with this cycle and the fact that no eggs regressed like it did last cycle. Hopefully... I am taking one more shot tonight of 75 units of Gonal-f. Also, Dr. Amols wants to see if we can hold out one more day in order for them to get a little bigger and therefore, more viable. He doesn't want my body to release these eggs on their own, so he gave me another shot to take home and give myself tomorrow morning to prevent ovulation. Then, I'll be giving myself the Trigger Shot on Monday morning, with the IUI on Tuesday afternoon!

CD 11: Saturday, April 30- This morning I woke up and gave myself the Ganirelix shot. The first stick was pokey. The second stick I decided to go in harder- and it went in without a pinch. Hopefully it does what it's supposed to do and delays ovulation so that we can trigger it ourselves when we want it to.

CD 12: Sunday, May 1- Today was fast Sunday. I was obviously fasting for you. I think a lot of other people were too. Before going to bed, I asked Dad for a blessing of peace, for my body to be relaxed, and for me to be okay with any outcome. It was a special moment. Warm tears were streaming down my face the entire time. I felt peace. I felt that I could let go and know that Im not in charge of this. I felt assurance that God loves me and knows the desires of my heart. I love the power of the priesthood. I am blessed to have it available in my life.

CD 13: Monday, May 2- So, I woke up at 4am this morning to take my trigger shot out of the fridge. I shut my eyes for a bit and then gave the shot to myself at 445am once it had gotten to room temperature. It was quick and (pretty) painless (I did it on the right side ha). I mostly wanted to get it done so I could sleep for another hour and a half before having to get up for work. It was a pretty big motivator ;) Maybe this will be the last shot until you arrive!

CD 14: Tuesday, May 3- IUI DAY! Work was easy today, which I was hoping for! I was calm all day. Dad was able to go to the doctor's office at 3:15pm and then my appointment was at 4:45pm. He wasn't able to come to the actual IUI because he had night shift work and had to rush home as it was. I was a little sad, but I also don't want him tired while flying airplanes at night. They were able to do the procedure with little discomfort. My cervix was being difficult again so they needed to use another tool to open it up. There was slight cramping, but no bleeding at the doctors office. There was a little bit of discharge throughout the rest of the evening. When I got home, I had some short, severe cramping which apparently can happen. It was painful...  Now, off for some rest and the dreaded 2ww.

3DPIUI: Friday, May 6th-  I forgot to take my progesterone suppository tonight!!! With trying to relax this cycle and not really think about everything going on, it completely slipped my mind that I was supposed to take this! Uh-oh!

4DPIUI: Saturday, May 7th-  I forgot to take my progesterone suppository tonight!!! ah!

5DPIUI: Sunday, May 8th- I forgot to take my progesterone suppository tonight!!! ah!

6DPIUI: Monday, May 9th-  I remember that I was supposed to take the progesterones... So I took one before I went to bed.

7DPIUI: Tuesday, May 10th- Since I forgot to take these, I took another suppository in the morning. I also took another one at night before bed.

8DPIUI: Wednesday, May 11th- I took another suppository in the morning as well as another one before bed.

9-11DPIUI: Thursday/Friday/Saturday, May 12/13/14- I didn't have any symptoms of the progesterone or of a potential pregnancy. I was starting to lose hope and prepare myself for a negative cycle.

12-13DPIUI: Sunday/ Monday, May 15/16-  I was started to feel bloated like I did last cycle so I suspected that my period was going to start in a couple days (as expected)

14DPIUI: Tuesday, May 17- I tested this morning... I was preparing myself for a negative since last round I was so convinced that I was pregnant but it ended up in a BFN. MUCH TO MY SURPRISE... THIS IS WHAT I SAW:

Your mom (FINALLY!!!)

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