Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"Barren" Women from the Old Testament

Dear Bundle of Joy,

In addition to reading the scriptures, I REALLY, REALLY enjoy perusing conference talks and other articles on the church's website. I came upon two articles (here and here) that were published in the Ensign that I really enjoyed twofold because 1) it was about faithful women from the old testament and how they reacted to their situations and 2) half of the women discussed had issues with bearing children so I felt like I could relate! I'll RECAP my favorite insights and parts from these articles:

Faith and Fortitude: Women of the Old Testament


*Royal Lineage
*Wife of Abraham
*Mother of Isaac
*It would have been difficult to hear that God said that he was going to make your husband a "great nation" but you weren't conceiving. It was decades(!) before this promise was fulfilled. I'm sure she doubted at times if it were going to come to pass in this lifetime...
*She wasn't able to bear a child for YEARS; she was in her 90's

-There might be long "delays" before we receive our righteous desires
-All things are for our good and experience
-Faith in the Lord will help in being patient for God's timing


*Daughter to Sarah
*Wife of Isaac- She was chosen to be his wife because she was at the watering hole and served the man that was there to find a wife for Jacob. 
*Mother of Esau and Jacob
*Virtuous, reverent, humble, modest, respect
*Waited YEARS to conceive
*She remained faithful in prayer, despite her trial
*Eventually she was blessed with two sons (Esau and Jacob), but her trials didn't end there... Her son, Esau, lost his birthright through choices he made.... which I'm sure comes with a lot of other trials or stress among family relationships that we don't hear about. She was able to guide Jacob to his birthright.

-If you are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, then blessings come
-Women can be guides to those in their family: helping each other receive their "birthright"

Rachel (and Leah):

*Daughter to Rebekah
*Sister to Leah
*Wife to Jacob
*Jacob first wanted Rachel as a wife but he was tricked by working for 7 years (!), only to be given Leah to marry. Jacob worked another 7 years (!) and finally got Rachel. 
*Waited YEARS to conceive
*By both being married to Jacob and also giving their handmaids to Jacob, this is how the 12 Tribes of Israel were created!
*Rachel's trial: not conceiving
*Leah's trial: not having Jacobs full attention
*IF ONLY Rachel could've seen her posterity amidst her trial... I guess this is where faith comes in...

-Two sisters: two different trials: both painful to the individual: both possibly jealous of the other's situation. Don't want what others have. For all you know, they want what YOU have. Be grateful for the blessings you have in your life.
-Even if our reality is different that we expected or wanted, we will be blessed if we trust in the Lord and align our will to His.
-We will be blessed for obedience and faith

***** I never knew that all 3 of these women had issues conceiving! I knew Sarah did because it is a "common" story taught to young children and more principles and doctrine are added on later in youth and adult years. However, I can just imagine the pain and empathy Sarah had for her daughter, Rebekah, while she was also going through years of not conceiving. It was probably a huge blessing to Rebekah that there was someone there who personally knew what she was feeling and from what we read in scripture; it would seem that Abraham and Sarah were probably pillars of faith and examples to her throughout the journey until conceiving. I'm sure that Sarah gave advice and counsel that was beneficial to Rebekah. Rachel, Rebekah's daughter probably received the same strength, counsel, and hope from her mom and grandmother while she was suffering through her trial as well. Once again, it probably was a huge help in having these faithful women at her side to help her through her difficult time. *****

Shunammite Woman:

*Unnamed woman in scripture
*Married but childless
*She served the prophet in the capacity she was able
*She was content with her circumstances and humble (probably had great faith and accepted that she didn't have children yet)
*She didn't ask the prophet for her to be blessed to have children, but he promised her that she would conceive.
*Once conceiving, her child grew, but eventually died. The prophet, Elisha, restored her son to life!
*She listened to Elisha and left the land to avoid a famine

-Unselfish service brings great blessings
-When we faithfully follow the prophets counsel, we experience blessings


*She was barren
*This trial deeply affected her; she was full of great sorrow
*She was faithful and still went to the temple to try and give her pain to the Lord
*Mother to Samuel
*She put her trust in the Lord
*She bore 5 more children (so 6 total!)

-The Lord ALWAYS hears our prayers and answers them in the way and time which is best for us
-All things will work together for our good
-Great blessings come from faithfully waiting on the Lord


What can we do right now while waiting for our righteous desires to be fulfilled by God?

-While "waiting" on the Lord's timing, spend more time being productive and improving yourself
-Keep strengthening your faith in the Lord
-Respond like Rebekah "I will go" when prompted by the Spirit
-Seek for revelation: act on it when it comes
-Put your full trust in the Lord
-What relationships can you develop further to increase love in your family?
-How has service blessed me?
-How quickly am I to obey the prophets' counsel?
-Do I have unfailing faith and trust that the Lord will hear and answer my prayers?
-Do I have the faith to wait humbly during my trials?


These women would have been considered "barren" before conceiving their children. I put "barren" in quotes in the title of this blog, because I believe that although they weren't able to become pregnant, they weren't "empty", "without achievements", or "unproductive" as other definitions of this word would suggest. They were definitely Full of Faith and Fortitude as the title of both articles suggest. They were full of courage, prayer, meekness, humbleness, determination, sacrifice, hope, joy, long-suffering, charity, gratitude, obedience, etc. Because they trusted in the Lord and had faith in his timing, they were given great blessings, I'm sure more than they even ever expected. Blessings come AFTER the trial of your Faith, after all... I want to be like these great women in the scriptures. I am so grateful that these stories were included in the words we have today. I hope that I can have the faith to overcome this trial, and all others that will come later in life, in such a way that others can draw strength from... like these women's examples have helped me.

I hope you enjoyed these nuggets of truth and principle, as I did. These lessons learned can be applied to ANY trial you are going through. Have faith in the Lord and know that he knows best. Your dad always says, "The Lord knows best!"... it is probably his favorite response to things that don't go "our way". I know he is right. The Lord does know best.

Love you, 

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