Saturday, March 26, 2016

7-year Anniversary!!!

Dear Bundle of Joy,

Our anniversary is on March 12!!! Last weekend your dad was able to get 2 days off of work... in a row! We took advantage of this and decided that we would get away for one night in celebration of our 7-year (yeah, you read that right... 7 YEAR!!!) anniversary! It is crazy how fast time passes. I thought "older" people were weird for saying that time passes so quickly because in my world it seemed like time was so slow! (However, come weekend time in high school, this was awesome!) But now, Im getting a glimpse at what they meant. 

We were able to stay at a nice little resort in Tucson, AZ... not the most interesting city, but it's out of town, close, and has a great Mexican restaurant that we enjoy. It was a nice get-away filled with talking in the car, shopping, ice cream treat, great dinner, jacuzzi time, and much more. It was great. I love your dad, even if he is a little silly at times.
Homemade (at your table) salsa, Choriso cheese dip, steak and shrimp fajitas, & Lobster-stuffed salmon!
For some reason, we didn't take one together... this is our little courtyard for our room!

This anniversary, I was more able to cope with the fact that you aren't here yet. Usually, it had me emotional that so many years had passed and you still aren't here with us... but this time it had me reflecting on some things. 

Anniversaries are interesting. It is a way to mark a past event:
27 years since I was born,
10 years since your dad and I had our first kiss,
9 years since I graduated high school, 
7 years since were were married for time and all ETERNITY,
5 years (almost) since I graduated ASU, 
....5 years trying to have a baby.... to have you

Like I said before, anniversaries usually mark past events. But, in God's eyes there must be "anniversaries" to future events- a countdown of sorts. Instead of seeing it as 5 years of failing to have you, God knows that it is ___ years until we have you, forever. I need to keep my focus on His promises and keep the faith in His timing, despite the (current) outcomes.

A couple weeks ago in Sacrament meeting we sang the song, "Lord, I would Follow Thee" and a phrase in the second verse caught my eye... and eventually led to tears in my eyes (surprise, surprise):

"In the quiet heart is hidden, sorrow that the eye can't see"

I know that we all have trials, struggles, hard things in life. It doesn't matter if so-and-so seems like they have the "perfect" life... they don't. We all have things to work through, get over, or leave behind. That's what this life is about: becoming better by becoming to know the atonement, using it, and knowing the will of God and doing it. We all have things we are going through that others can't see. I know that this is mine. And, I would assume that there will be many more in my future that I will need the atonement for.

This past week I have been reflecting on the Savior since tomorrow is Easter. I am so grateful for the atonement in my life to help me use it in the capacity of comfort. I know that I am blessed with insights, faith, and comfort when I ask my Savior to help me through this trial. I know that I wouldn't be able to do it on my own. I know that "the Lord knows best". We love you.


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