Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 11- Meeting my MFM

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we were able to visit the maternal-fetal medicine specialist's office. He was out of town, but we were able to see the ultrasound tech to check up on you guys.  I wasThe MFM will be working with my OB-GYN to monitor you guys and make sure you are all as healthy and safe as you can be. Dad was able to come and see you guys. He was so flabbergasted. He was in awe of how cute you guys already are. I didn't expect him to be so in love already. I know I am too!

Baby C was sooo active and twisting and moving all over the place. The tech said that you might give me a run for my money after birth! Ha.

All of you guys were measuring right on target! Heart rates were between 168-178. Perfect.

As far as I go, I have had low-key nausea, but nothing to really hold me back. I am loving that I am on summer break and can take it easy right now though. I am more tired than anything. Oh, and the headaches! I had a hard time falling asleep last night because I had one that was just pounding! Oh well. Just exhausted! But, I take these as good signs that you guys are all growing and getting healthier.

Here are some pics of you guys from this appointment. Cute as can be!

Your Parents

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