Monday, June 6, 2016

Heartbeat(s)! First Ultrasound

Dear Bundle of Joy,

Today was the day that I was going to go see the doctor to see your heartbeat moving on the screen. Dad was able to get off work to come, which we were happy about!

***REWIND TO LAST WEEK- June 1-4, 2016:
I was able to attend Girl's Camp for church. I was the Stake photographer. It was a stressful, running around everywhere, fun calling. I got to see a perspective that no one else sees at camp. I made a slideshow for the end of camp and think it turned out pretty good! Everyone else thought to think so too. :) The first night we were there however, I started to bleed a little red blood. It stressed me out... a lot! I broke down and cried that night... "After all this, it ends here?" I thought. I decided that stressing out about it would only make things worse, so I decided to remember what was told to me when I was called to this calling: "You will be blessed beyond your capacity to understand when you serve the Lord". Since this was spoken to me from a member of my Stake Presidency, I knew it to be true. I felt the Spirit when he spoke these words back in January and felt it again when it was brought back to my mind this evening. I decided to take it as easy as I could and just fulfill my calling while at Girl's Camp. I felt peace over me and I was able to accept two different outcomes: 1) Everything will be okay and I will be blessed, 2) Things might not work out in the way that I wanted but there must be another plan in place. With these two outcomes, I knew everything would be okay in the end.

***REWIND TO LAST NIGHT- June 5, 2016:
All day and night I wasn't able to stop looking up things on the internet to see if I could see anything related to twins and my HCG levels. Everything I was finding was showing that it could be twins, but they were also in the range of a singleton baby too. The thought of triplets creeped into my mind at the end of the night... I brushed it off out of fear and "that won't happen to us" kind of thoughts. However, it kept coming back to my mind. I truly felt that I would have more than one. My mind was in disbelief that it could be triplets, but logically the chances of that were slim. I was thinking twins for sure though... I just had a feeling. Either that, or I had the looming thought in the back of my mind that maybe we wouldn't see the heart beating... inevitable miscarriage pending. :( My heart was being torn in all different directions... I just wanted a healthy baby or babies. *PLEASE*

While Dad and I waited in the waiting room, my nervous feelings arose. I didn't know what to think. In a couple minutes my whole life could change... the next thing I knew I heard "Brittany" come from the side door... it was my turn.

As I entered the room and prepared for the ultrasound, I was very nervous. As soon as Dr. Amols came into the room and stuck in the ultrasound, I IMMEDIATELY saw 3, yes 3!, black circles on the screen. "I think I saw 3" I said in shock. It was barely a whisper because I could barely get the words out. "Yeah, I saw three circles" said Dad with a slight chuckle. Dr. Amols gave his assistant a smirk and said "Yup, there is definitely three in there!" 

I  C O U L D  N O T  B E L I E V E  I T!!!

What. in. the. world! As he proceeded to measure all the babies (GAH!) and their heartbeats, they all were in normal, safe conditions. They were all about the same size and their heartbeats were all around 125, 130 and 135.  As he labeled them "A, B, and C" Dad and I could only giggle and gasp with the intermittent "Oh my gosh!", "Is this really happening". He went on to say that he only sees this about once a year, if that. I started asking him questions regarding how it is a "high risk" pregnancy and he gave me some reassuring facts. However, he did say it would be hard and I would soon be getting REALLY REALLY sick. He brought up that we could do a selective reduction but I told him that we wouldn't be doing that. If they was one or more than one to leave us, it wouldn't be my decision. I know that if they are to be here that God will protect me and bless me to have a safe pregnancy. 

As we left the office, we sat in the car for a minute... we just looked at each other and laughed again... WAS THIS REALLY HAPPENING???!!! GAH!? I started getting really nervous. Twins were seeming like a really easy situation now... but triplets? I only had two arms! And one baby... that was seeming like  a breeze! Oh man. What is this going to be like? How would I do it with Dad gone a lot for work? I knew everything would work out and I would be strengthened and I would get a lot of help (A LOT OF HELP!), but it was still scary! OH boy! :/

We love you, all of you,
Mom and Dad

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