Monday, June 20, 2016

Discharged from Fertility Specialist ---> OB

Dear Bundle of Joy,

These last few weeks have been awesome! Having you in there has made me so happy. I have had a constant low-key nausea but nothing too bad. Dr. Amols gave me some nausea medication if it gets to be too much, but I haven't had to use it yet. I've been starting to get some headaches, but nothing a little nap can't cure ;)

Today I had my second ultrasound to take a look at you. Everything looked great! Heartbeat was around 188 and size was at 8 weeks, 6 days... which is exactly on target!!! Yipee!!!

Since everything was looking good. Dr. Amols discharged me to go to a regular OB-GYN for my further ultrasounds and appointments. Yay!

We are still cautiously optimistic... but still optimistic! :)

Mom and Dad :)

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