Monday, March 31, 2014

"I Would Die for That"

Dear Bundle of Joy,

The other day I happened to run across this song in another blog post (Ah- I can't remember which one!) and after hearing it, I was in tears. This song actually embodied something that I was thinking, feeling, and now speaking about.

When I had watched it the first time, I hadn't told anyone that we were having trouble trying to have you, not even my parents (your obachan and ogechan :) ). I wanted to keep the video, so I will be posting it here. :) Hopefully someday I will be like one of the people at the end of the video clip that holds a sign that says: "Heard heartbeat for the first time" or "Adopted a child". We cannot wait for you!


One thing that I always have on my mind is "how can someone abort their child?", and I know there are many positions on this topic, but I firmly believe that no matter the circumstance that God will always bless those who DO NOT choose this choice. Are there certain circumstances that may be right for some to do so? Maybe. I'm not one to say which is and isn't but, let me say it one more time...I firmly believe that no matter the circumstance that God will always bless those who DO NOT choose this choice. Most times it will be a major sacrifice to keep the child, but the Lord will bless one for doing so. But, as we know, we are all faced with choices in this life, but we cannot choose the consequences that follow them--- either in this life and/or the next. There are so many people, myself included, that are longing for a child (whether we bear them on our own or adopt) and as the song states, we are "dying" to have that opportunity that was presented to one who has a child/ or considering keeping or not keeping that child. One blessing that has come from this trial and struggle of not conceiving, is that I have grown more passionate about this issue of abortion and advocate for life whenever the chance presents itself. Anyway- that's enough of this topic... I could go on forever and I am not as eloquent as I hoped to be when putting my thoughts cohesively onto paper. :/

Anyway, as you can see, we are hoping and praying for you everyday. We aren't letting life pass us by and besides not having you, we have basically every blessing that God could give us. We are happy. We love life. We know it is in his timing. We are making this time without you useful but trying to improve, grow, and help others in ways that we might not as easily be able to once kids are in the mix. We love the Lord and love all his tender mercies he gives us in our life, even though we do not deserve them. We love you.

Mom and Dad

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