Friday, August 26, 2016

18 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound

Dear Bundles of Joy,

We had another ultrasound today. All was well. You all had great heartbeats and are still 2 girls and 1 boy haha. It wasn't too detailed of a scan- that's next week. :)

We love you!


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Gender Reveal Party SURPRISE!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

Today we are having your gender reveal party! Some family and friends are coming over to find out about you guys. Little do they know they are in for a HUGE surprise. They think we are only having one... not three! We can't wait to let the cat out of the bag... it has been so hard keeping this to ourselves! I have to consciously think about referring to you guys as only one person... its hard! We are so excited.

We had everyone come over and have dinner at our house. We made sweet pork sandwiches, corn on the cob, and some chips. We had everyone take guesses at what they though "you" were. Heath, your 7-year-old cousin, guessed that we'd have one boy and one girl... so he was the closest out of anyone haha.

We had prepped 3 huge (like 2 feet across) black balloons before everyone came over. We hid 2 of the balloons in a large box that we decorated for our reveal. We left one balloon out in the family room for everyone to see. Dad and I stuffed one balloon with blue feathers and two with pink feathers so that when we popped them, the feathers would fall out.

When we were done eating, we had everyone go to the backyard so we could have our "reveal". The big box was already out there and we posed for pictures with the 1 balloon to make it seem more real. (We took pictures with all 3 balloons before everyone came over so we could have all 3 in one picture)

We popped the first balloon and everyone was excited to see the pink feathers. WE WERE HAVING A GIRL! Then, Jordan said we had a surprise and went to grab another balloon from the box. Everyone got louder and excited, "It's twins?!". We popped the second balloon and they screamed again seeing the pink feathers fall to the ground. ANOTHER GIRL! Skyler (dad's friend) jokingly said, "Okay, wheres the 3rd balloon?" We just laughed... but then, dad pulled out the 3rd balloon and everyone got quiet. "Are you joking?" "What?!" "Are you having triplets?" All I could do was giggle. Yup, we were having 3. They were all feeling what we had been feeling for the last 10 weeks- SHOCK! So we popped the 3rd balloon and down fell the blue feathers, completing our reveal. WE WERE ALSO HAVING A BOY!

As I looked towards our group of friends and family, I saw faces that were shocked, wet with tears, happy, and excited. You guys are already bringing a whole lot of joy to this family. You are so wanted. So loved already. There are many more people who could't make the party that can't wait for your arrival.

We love you already. We keep praying that you'll make it safe.

Mom and Dad

Friday, August 12, 2016

16 Weeks- MFM Ultrasound- GENDERS!

Dear Bundles of Joy,

So today we found out your genders!!! Just in time too because we're planning on having friends and family over tomorrow for a reveal! The ultrasound tech sounded pretty sure that we are having....

2 GIRLS and 1 BOY! Things could obviously be "revealed" later... but she seemed pretty positive that that's what we're having.

Man, I still can't believe it!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!

Mom and Dad

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mid-night Snacks

Dear Bundles of Joy,

It seems that waking up in the middle of the night is my new routine these days: either to pee or because my stomach is growling. Scout and I have enjoyed a mid-night (or early morning) snack together many times this pregnancy. She already loves you guys because of this ;)

As I am awake, sitting in a quiet room, I can't help but feel grateful. Hopeful. Blessed. I love you guys so much already and know that whether you all make it here healthy, it is up to God. No point in me worrying. I'll just do everything that I can and do my best to get you here safely.

Tears often stream down my cheeks when I contemplate how lucky/ blessed I feel. I feel unworthy and probably am. But God sees it fit, so I will take it, happily. Is this real life?! I can't believe that you guys are mine. No matter what happens I am a mom to 3 already. I love it.

A general conference talk titled "But if Not" has been on my mind lately. It truly is a great reminder that my faith in God is not affected by consequences or outcomes of certain situations.

Sometimes we get what we want.

Sometimes we don't.

Sometimes we are blessed.

Sometimes we are not.

There is a plan, a purpose for each of us.

One of my favorite hymns is "Be Still, My Soul" (by Katharina von Schlegel). It is such a beautiful hymn that encompasses faith and hope in God and his plan for us. It doesn't diminish our struggles, fears, or disappointments. It reminds us to be faithful and to endure. All will be made right in the end if we do.

  1. 1. Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side;
    With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
    Leave to thy God to order and provide;
    In ev'ry change he faithful will remain.
    Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav'nly Friend
    Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
  2. 2. Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake
    To guide the future as he has the past.
    Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
    All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
    Be still, my soul: The waves and winds still know
    His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.
  3. 3. Be still, my soul: The hour is hast'ning on
    When we shall be forever with the Lord,
    When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
    Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored.
    Be still, my soul: When change and tears are past,
    All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

I love this gospel. It gives me answers and comfort to so many of my struggles and disappointments. It gives me hope of the future: that all will be made right.

It might not all be right, right now... but if we are faithful and endure to the end, then it will always be made right in the end.

I love you guys.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Scary Dream

Dear Bundles of Joy,

I had another dream last night. Unlike the others, this one was a sad dream...

I had a dream that I lost Baby B. :(

In my dream, I actually felt and held you as you fell out of me (for some reason). You were the size of a small plum. I was devastated and in shock. My dream then skipped to me getting an ultrasound and what I saw on the screen was like a cartoon. Your sac was still showing up but instead of you there was a dotted outline of your body. It was strange, but it felt so real.

I woke up pretty devastated. I'm hoping this was just that... a dream.
