Sunday, January 31, 2016

Update & IUI #1 (January 2016)

Dear Bundle of Joy,

So, I finally switched over to my new fertility doctor last fall 2015... it was the BEST decision I think we have made regarding this. He is amazing and his prices and service are exceptional. 

September/ October 2015, we had our initial consult. Dr. Amols seemed very optimistic that we could get pregnant with an IUI. This was hopeful since our last doctor seemed to be pushing for IVF (but it was out of our price range @ about $20,000 each!). My IUI's are covered by insurance, which is nice, but I still have to pay for the medications (which are expensive!). Even still, I'll count my blessings and I'll take it! That's about $1,200 we don't have to pay for each IUI we do. We plan to do up to 4, but hope it doesn't take that long. If all 4 don't work, then our plan is to do a round of IVF. 

We were planning on doing an IUI in Novmber 2015 (the next month), but found that I had a cyst on my left side. We couldn't move forward with the medications (which would possibly enlarge the cyst, causing other permanent consequences). So we waited another 3 weeks to check if it had gone away. 

At the beginning of December 2015, I went back and the cyst hadn't gone away, but it had gotten way smaller. This wasn't the best, but it was good. Since it was changing sizes, we had to wait yet another 2 weeks to check it again to make sure it went away.

At the end of December 2015, I had another visit and it was gone! Yippee! We could schedule my medications and move forward with the IUI the next month! The next day I went to Scottsdale to pick up my medications. I had to rush home and put the injection in my fridge and hope that your Ba-ba and Ji-ji didn't see it in the cheese drawer since they were visiting us at this time. We want to surprise them as much as we can, even though they know we're doing these procedures. Maybe they saw it wrapped up and just didn't say anything, but hopefully they didn't!

The first week of January I took a medication to stimulate my soon-to-be eggs (Femara). 

The second week of January I went into Dr. Amols' office to check on my follicles. There were 2-3 of pretty good size, but he wanted them a little bigger. Because of this, I had to give myself a FSH SHOTIt was the first shot I had to mix and shoot into my stomach and I did it all by myself! To be honest, it was scary... I hate needles... and I had to give this one to myself. They said I could have my husband do it for me, but I think that that would be more scary/ painful since I wouldn't be in control of the pressure and what not. It wasn't as bad as I thought... until it got to the end... then it started to sting. It was almost done so I just pushed through it. Then while I was rubbing it with the cotton ball, it was stinging but it finally went away. Just a little pain for [hopefully] a huge blessing! After the shot, I went into the office the next day and he said they grew right to where he wanted. My lining wasn't where he wanted it to be, but he said that might be because the eggs just weren't ready yet. For this reason, he said I'd wait a day to give myself the trigger shot. (dun dun dunnnnn!- another shot! ah!)

The 16th of January (Saturday) was the day of the Trigger shot! I had to take it at 8:30pm so as you can imagine, I was nervous about it all day. People had told me that it sometimes burns and also make your ovaries feel like they're on fire for like a day or two. I wish people wouldn't say things like that sometimes. I tried not to worry about it, but did I mention how much I hate shots?! The time came and I grabbed my stomach and started to push it in. Immediately it was stinging so bad and a little blood came out, so I pulled it out and cleaned the area... I could tell it didn't feel right. I tried again and it wasn't so bad the second time around. It felt a lot of pressure towards the end, but that's normal I would think. I pushed it with a cotton ball and massaged it a little. It was stinging, but once again [hopefully] worth it.

Now onto the TWW... (two week wait)... I am supposed to take a pregnancy test on January 31, 2015.

Here's to good luck, first time around!!! (I mean, it has to work... I got a fortune cookie from Pei Wei the day before my trigger shot and it stated, and I quote, "You will embark on a new venture and will succeed". ;) )

21st and 22nd of January (Thursday/ Friday) were the two days that I had slight cramping in the early-late evenings. They would last about 10 seconds at a time, only about 5 times per hour. However, I don't want to read too much into it.

27th of January (Wednesday).... I'm only 4 days away from testing. I don't know if my brain is trying to protect my heart, but it feels like it hasn't happened. I'm trying to stay hopeful, but not too hopeful. I do feel WAY more tired than usual, but I think that is attributed to the progesterone suppositories that I have to take each night... that is one of the side affects. Who knows... once again, I won't read too much into the "symptoms". However, I have this underlying feeling that it hasn't worked this time. Only time will tell I guess...

30th of January (Saturday)... I woke up to spotting. Implantation bleeding wouldn't be this late. Why even take the HPT tomorrow... :( Scout could tell that I wasn't feeling very happy today. She cuddled with me... voluntarily... during the day! This sweet moment really comforted me, especially since Dad was at work. I just love the Scouter Girl; shes very intuitive. <3 <3 <3

January 31, 2016 (Sunday)... the day has arrived.
As I woke up this morning, I was very nervous for some reason. I wanted to take a test as soon as I woke up since that provides the most accurate results this early on, or so I've read. I don't know why I was so nervous... I was spotting yesterday so I know, deep down, that it will be negative. I guess it's just the shock of reality if I actually see only "one line", or the words "not pregnant", or a "sad face". The hope will be killed this cycle if I actually saw it on a pregnancy test. Just as I suspected... it was negative.

Your dad was obviously comforting, hopeful, and reassuring. He knows it'll happen when the timing is right. Deep down, I know that is true too. It's hard to want righteous things and have them postponed for what ever reason.


Your soon-to-be parents

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